Horror Movie Emoji Quiz

July 27, 2017 6:00 AM ‐ GamesMovies
Horror DVDs
Think you know your horror movies? Know your emojis? Then this game is for you. See if you can workout which ten classic horror movie these emojis represent.
Movie Emojis

1. Let's Start With An Easy One

Movie Emojis

2. This One Is A Little Older

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Movie Emojis

3. They're Getting Harder

Movie Emojis

4. One Word

Movie Emojis

5. A Little More Modern

Movie Emojis

6. A Transatlantic 80s Horror

Movie Emojis

7. A 90s Thriller

Movie Emojis

8. Another Easy One

Movie Emojis

9. From Another World

Movie Emojis

10. Back To The 80s


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