Battersea Poltergeist

The Battersea Poltergeist
The latest news, gossip and evidence on BBC Radio 4's 'The Battersea Poltergeist' podcast. The podcast series hosted by Danny Robins is based on a fascinating British haunting that started in South London in 1956 and lasted for an incredible 12 years.

Each of the nine episodes also feature two prominent experts from the paranormal field, Ciarán O'Keeffe a ghost hunter and parapsychologist working out of Buckinghamshire New University, and Evelyn Hollow a writer and parapsychologist from Edinburgh.

If you haven't caught any of the drama yet, then the full nine-part paranormal podcast series is available to listen to for free right now on BBC Sounds.

Daily Horoscopes


Friends and companions are confusing right now. Someone is open, supportive, almost literally your "Rock" to stand on. But someone else seems confused and unsettled. It may be that the latter party has some issues that you are not aware... Read More