I almost just got scammed!

May 13, 2010 1:08 AM

This article is more than ten years old and was last updated in September 2015.

These bitches have purposely made a rubbish movie that looks like a blockbuster move just to cash in on it.

Paranormal Scam

Luckily the guy in HMV was friendly and started a conversation and asked if I had seen Paranormal Activity, being caught out by the packaging himself, he then realise it was a clone and ask if that was actually the one I wanted to buy.

And before you say it, I know Paranormal Activity is supposed to be crap but I always seem to like films everyone else says are crap.  I think it’s because I don’t go to the cinema so by the time I get round to seeing them I’ve heard their bad so many times that I’m expecting it to be awful and it turns out being not as bas as I was expecting.

The same thing happened with Bruno recently too, true it wasn’t as good as Borat but neither was the Ali G movie but that was still an alright movie.

If only there was a trustworthy review website that would tell you straight if a movie was good or not… oh! There is, www.halfarsedreviews.com!

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