Most Haunted At Oak House - Series 19, Episode 6 Review

August 04, 2016
This page is more than eight years old and was last updated in December 2018.
Most Haunted At Oak House
This week Yvette Fielding takes her team of ghost hunters to investigate the ark entities and mysterious apparitions, which lurk in a picturesque timber framed yeoman farmer's house. Oak House in West Bromwhich is said to be a hot spot for poltergeist activity.

The house is one of the best examples of timber frame buildings in the Midlands, and dates back to the 16th century and was originally home to a wealthy farming family. The house has been extended overtime with brick-built additions dating back to the mid-17th century.

The details of the original owners have been lost in history, but one of the house's most famous residents was the Turton family who lived there from 1664 until 1768 when the property was passed to William Whyley, the natural son of John Turton.

The house remained in the Whyley family for 69 years until 1837 when it was owned by a succession of different families until Alderman Reuben Farley took ownership. He was a former major of West Bromwich and one of the town's greatest benefactors. He restored the house to its former glory and it was formerly open as a museum in July 1898.

The house as we see it today is a living history, maintained to look how it would have done in its heyday.

Is Oak House Haunted?

Most Haunted At Oak House
During her initial walk around the house with the shows resident and contrasting experts, demonlogist Fred Batt and skeptic Glen Hunt, Yvette told us some more about the haunting history of Oak House and with over four centuries of habitation, it's no surprise that this house has it's fair share of paranormal tales.

Glen's first thoughts are that "you see it from the outside and straight away you're thinking 'oh it's an old manor, it's going to be haunted' and then straight away you're going to expect some kind of activity here whether you believe in ghosts or not."

The house has been the location of countless reports of sightings and supernatural experiences throughout the years. Including sightings of shadowy figures, the sounds of people walking up and down the stairs, and object and furniture being heard moving in rooms when the doors are closed. Disembodied coughs, footsteps, a lonely child sining, and doors slamming have been heard all over the house.

Staff working at the house refuse to go in certain rooms, and in their office area which was once home to the house's servants, an image of a gentleman in a doorway has been seen. Other have witnessed the ghosts of children while tidying up the children's dressing up clothes. After putting them away the find them out again just moments later.

The house's most famous ghost is the figure of an old lady dressed in black who sits in the kitchen staring at visitors. The apparition is said to be so vivvid that many people believe she's a member of staff.

Glen poses the question, "how do we know they haven't just seen a member of staff?" To which Fred replies, "this one disappears." Witnesses have said that upon approach the figure she fades away.

Fred speculates that "there could be" something evil here. He said to Yvette, "I know there's something here but it feels friendly at the moment, but you never know with spirits, it could be playing tricks with you."
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Starting The Investigation

Most Haunted At Oak House
The investigation started with the whole team together in the kitchen, before moving to the top of the house. Straight away Glen said that the atmosphere felt different to when they were filming in the house earlier in the day.

At the top of stairs they started hearing footsteps and became convinced that there may have been someone in the house. When Gregg then said he definitely saw movement out of the corner of his eye, the team ran downstairs in search of answers but found nothing.

Now in a smaller room, team started hearing clear, prominent taps coming from the floor and walls around them.
Most Haunted At Oak House
Due to the amount of activity, Yvette decided to make an impromptu ouija board using a phone. Bring up the phone's keyboard she ran her finger over the letters and asked any spirits present to tap as she hovered over a letter in order to spell out a word.

After a little while she and the spirits of Oak House had spelt out the phrase, "I hear you." And it seemed Fred could hear them, moments later he jump as he heard what he described as a growl in his ear. The team concluded that this could have been the spirit trying to make itself heard and speak back but was ultimately unable to form a word.

Lone Vigils

Most Haunted At Oak House
Two of the team members then went off on their own. Karl Beattie was alone in the kitchen where he soon heard a bang like something being dropped on the hard stone floor. He then moved on to a creepy servant's room, which weirdly had straw on the floor. He heard banging from underneath the bed and then said he was sure he saw the whole bed move out of the corner of his eye. He also heard a stranger animal-like whining sound.

Meanwhile, Stuart Torevell was wandering the house and he too heard knocks and bangs. He ran to the top of the stairs, the area where he said noises were definitely coming from. Stuart said it sounded like someone was jumping up and down on the floor. While he was upstairs he heard a door slam, rushing back down he found a door he'd previously left open was now shut.

There's Something In The Wardrobe!

Most Haunted At Oak House
Stuart then joined Yvette, Fred, and Darren Hutchinson who was on camera duty in a bedroom. Straight away they witnessed plenty more taps and Yvette claimed to have heard a moaning sound in her ear.

While more tapping and rumbling sounds could be heard, bizarrely the door handle on a wardrobe started clinking of it's own accord. A close up showed the metal handle was noticeably moving on its own.

Interview With A Ghost

Most Haunted At Oak House
Karl, was joined by Glen and camera man Gregg Smith in one of the the servant's bedrooms where he conducted an interesting conversation with a supposed spirit. He'd asked the spirit to answer his questions using one knock to indicate "no" and two knocks to indicate "yes."

Karl first asked "what year do you think it is? Do you think it's 1600s?" to which the spirit replied no. Karl eventually narrowed this down to the early-1700s, "do you think it's 1712?" There were two clear knocks for yes.

Karl then asked the spirit, "are you still in that time?" To which the entity answered yes. Curious about how this presence perceives him, Karl asked "can you see us as we stand now as full people?" There was one knock for no. The spirt also answer no to the question, "are you hearing our words?"

In an interesting twist, Karl then asked "are you trying to find ghosts, spirits of loved ones?" To which the spirit said it was, it also confirmed that it was alive. To clarify Karl asked "so you are all together trying to to talk to the dead and we're talking to you," again the spirit said yes.

Glen then spoke to the spirit, "congratulations, you have just contacted the 21st century, we are in your future."

This chat with the past marked the end of the Most Haunted team's night at Oak House.

For reviews of all of the new episodes, plus highlights and evidence from the shows, and to find out when Most Haunted is on next, visit the Most Haunted episode guide.


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