Plumbers Charge For Their Time & Expertise, So Why Shouldn't Paranormal Investigators?

December 05, 2024
I've been reading Richard Estep's new book, 'In Search of Demons'. In one chapter, Richard interviews Jason Hawes, the co-founder of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) and a familiar face from the television show 'Ghost Hunters'. The bulk of their conversation is about demons, but in the middle of it, Jason made a passing comment that really struck me.

Richard mentions that, alongside his television work, Jason is a plumber by trade. Later in the chapter, he writes, "TAPS does not ask for or accept money for its investigative services." Jason is quoted as saying, "The rich, the poor, and everybody in between can all have paranormal problems. I'm never going to help only those people who could afford to pay for our services, so we don't charge anybody."

It's an admirable stance, but what stood out to me was the contrast with Jason's plumbing work. Plumbing, like paranormal investigation, is a service people often need in stressful situations, and it is something required by the rich and the poor. Yet, no one questions a plumber charging for their time and expertise. Why is it so different when it comes to ghost hunting?

After all, a skilled investigator can have a genuine impact on the life of somebody who is being troubled by what they believe to be a haunting in their home. For some, this can be a terrifying and deeply unsettling experience, and simply having someone take their concerns seriously and work to provide answers can bring a very real sense of comfort and peace of mind.

But there's another side to the argument. Unlike plumbing, the results of a paranormal investigation are rarely tangible. A plumber fixes your leaking tap or unclogs your drain, and you can see the outcome. In contrast, a paranormal investigator might spend hours in your home and leave without finding any evidence at all. Even when evidence is found, it's often subjective - an EVP recording, a fluctuation on an EMF meter, or a personal experience that can't be independently verified.

This raises a tricky question: what are the victims of a haunting actually paying for? Is it the investigator's time? Their expertise? Or is it the hope of validation for their experiences? And if the paranormal itself is unproven, is it ethical to charge for something that can't be guaranteed?

Curious about this, I reached out to Jason directly to hear more about his approach. His response offered some clarity - and raised even more questions.

"As a plumber, this is in fact my livelihood," Jason explained. "But working for a company like Roto, it has always given me the ability to lower my charging rate. To the point where I've done plumbing jobs and did not charge the homeowners because I was able to see how they were struggling."

He contrasted this with his work in the paranormal: "When it comes to the paranormal, I've always applied the belief that the rich, the poor, and everyone in between experience paranormal activity. If I was to charge for my services, then I would only be helping those that could afford it, and leaving others in a bad situation. Also, as a plumber, you can see the work I've done. As a paranormal investigator, a lot of times you can't. I just would never feel right charging someone for something that I scientifically cannot even prove 'at this point' exists."

Jason's philosophy is grounded in fairness, which I respect, but it also highlights the challenge of placing a value on something so subjective.

I don't conduct private investigations, so I've never been in a position to decide whether or not to charge for my services. And although I totally agree with Jason's reluctance to charge for something that's so difficult to quantify, I also believe people should be paid for their time and expertise. It seems reasonable for them to recoup some of those costs or compensation for their effort and knowledge.

On the other hand, paranormal activity is a deeply personal experience, and many clients are scared, grieving, or seeking answers. Charging them for something as intangible as a ghost hunt can feel exploitative, especially when there's no guarantee of results.

Unlike plumbing or other trades, paranormal investigation operates in a grey area dominated by belief. Whether or not to charge is as deeply personal a decision for investigators as the experiences are for their clients.

For Jason, the answer is clear. He's committed to helping anyone in need, regardless of their financial situation. For others, the decision might not be so simple. And for me, it's a question that keeps me thinking.


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Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

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