Your Green Man - Hellier 2: Episode 4

December 12, 2019 5:00 AM

About This Video

This video was uploaded to the YouTube channel Planet Weird in December 2019.

As Tyler prepares to visit the Terry Wriste coordinates, Greg receives a frightening new set of emails.

Series: After following up on the creature reports in Hellier, a team of paranormal investigators receive a new set of emails that propel the case into a whole new, wider realm of conspiracy, extraterrestrial visitation, murder, and occult rituals across rural Kentucky.

About Planet Weird

Planet Weird is the hub for some of the most groundbreaking projects in the realm of the paranormal. For nearly two decades, Greg and Dana have traversed North America on hundreds of paranormal adventures in search of everything from legendary monsters to mind bending psychic phenomena, covering everything in between. They've come face-to-face with Bigfoot deep in the hills of West Virginia, successfully instigated an alien abduction on North Carolina's mysterious Brown Mountain, and grappled with angry ghosts in a violently-cursed town in rural Pennsylvania, to name just a few adventures.

Planet Weird was created out of a combined 30+ years of these extraordinary investigations and their desire to share those experiences across a variety of formats.

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