Online Course In Capturing & Analysing Electronic Voice Phenomenon

Audio Editing

Higgypop Readers' Discount: £23 £10

This course aims to give you the knowledge to help you capture high-quality EVPs and guidance on best practices to effectively enhance and analyze your audio recordings to validate the presence of voices.

Enrol Now For £10


Price includes certificate of achievement, and digital accreditation.


Course Overview

Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) are the sounds of disembodied human-like voices of unknown origin that are heard through electronic devices. They are usually heard in the form of sounds imprinted on an audio recording or through radio noise.

The source of these voices is still not fully understood by paranormal investigators, but the phenomenon is widely researched, and it is believed that EVPs are produced by spirits of the dead communicating with us. However, there are other theories as to the source of these voices, including subconscious psychic projection and sounds from another dimension or time.

Whatever the cause, EVP sessions have become a routine experiment during ghost hunts, and the methods used to capture and analyze them are well understood. The aim of this course isn't to prove or disprove that EVPs are genuine contact with spirits, but to give you enough knowledge to give you the best chance of capturing high-quality EVPs and guidance on how to effectively analyze them so that you can form your own conclusion on their validity.

You'll learn how to effectively use some of the most common audio recording equipment and audio editing software, as well as how to discredit audio interference and unwanted sounds in recordings. The course also includes best practices for communicating with ghosts and spirits during an EVP session and advice on how to enhance and analyze your recordings.

The course goes over some topics already covered in our 'Advanced Scientific Theory for Paranormal Investigators' course, specifically Understanding Frequencies & Audio Waveforms, which is an important aspect of analyzing EVP recordings.


We've put a lot of work in to making sure this course is useful, but if you sign up and find it's not what you expected, then get in touch and we'll fully refund you, no questions asked.


Words 33,067 • Average completion time 5.4 hours • Average pass rate 93%



Course Curriculum


Defining Electronic Voice Phenomenon

  • Introduction
    • Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC)
      • Direct Voice Phenomenon (DVP)
        • Residual Vs Intelligent Interactions
          • Origins of the Voices
            • Subconscious Imprinting
              • Scalar Waves
                • Summary

                  The History of EVP Research

                  • Voices Over The Airwaves
                    • Early EVP Recordings
                      • Konstantin Raudive
                        • Marcello Bacci
                          • The Global Movement
                            • Summary

                              Choosing the Right Equipment

                              • Advantages of Using an Audio Recorder During Investigations
                                • Digital Versus Analogue Recording
                                  • Recommended Audio Recorders
                                    • Panasonic RR-DR60 Series Recorder
                                      • Computer Recording
                                        • Spirit Boxes
                                          • GeoPort and GeoBox
                                            • Laser Beam EVPs
                                              • EVPs via Telephone Calls
                                                • Summary

                                                  How to Capture EVPs

                                                  • Where to Perform EVP Sessions
                                                    • Setting Up Your Equipment
                                                      • Ensuring High-Quality Recordings
                                                        • Active Versus Passive EVP Sessions
                                                          • Realtime and Burst EVP Sessions
                                                            • How to Call Out During EVP Sessions
                                                              • White Noise Generators
                                                                • The Ghost Frequency
                                                                  • Summary

                                                                    Analyzing EVPs

                                                                    • Playback
                                                                      • Auditory Pareidolia
                                                                        • The Cocktail Party Effect
                                                                          • Should You Enhance Recordings?
                                                                            • Enhance and Filtering Recordings
                                                                              • Understanding Frequencies and Waveforms
                                                                                • Spectral Frequency Display
                                                                                  • Capturing EVPs Outside the Audible Range
                                                                                    • Ultra-High Frequency Sound Recording
                                                                                    • Ultra-Low Frequency Sound Recording
                                                                                  • Summary

                                                                                    EVP Classification

                                                                                    • Classes of Voices
                                                                                      • The Raudive Scale
                                                                                        • The AA-EVP System
                                                                                          • The KM System
                                                                                            • Summary


                                                                                              • Final Thoughts
                                                                                                • Final Assessment



                                                                                              Frequently Asked Questions


                                                                                              Is this a recognised qualification?
                                                                                              Unfortunately, due to the unknown nature of the paranormal, no qualifications in this field is academically recognised, and even if they were, would be of little interest to prospective employers. But we've worked hard to put together a course, which is designed to help you widen your knowledge and give beginners the confidence to go out and get involved in the paranormal.

                                                                                              What does the course involve?
                                                                                              You'll be able to work through six comprehensive modules: 'Defining Electronic Voice Phenomenon', 'The History of EVP Research', 'Choosing the Right Equipment,' 'How to Capture EVPs,' and 'Analyzing EVPs.' It covers everything from best practices for carrying out EVP sessions on location to analyzing audio waveforms.

                                                                                              Is this course aimed at novices or experts?
                                                                                              The course is suitable for beginners as well as established ghost hunters who want to improve their knowledge of the specifics of EVP research. Although it builds on the principles of our 'Practical Ghost Hunting and Scientific Analysis' course, it can be effectively studied as a standalone specialization.

                                                                                              When can I access for the course material and for how long?
                                                                                              Once you enrol onto this course you will get instant access to the course material, a summary of modules and lessons can be seen in the course curriculum above. You have unlimited access to this course, even after you have completed your final assessment, allowing you to revisit topics whenever you like.

                                                                                              How long does the course take to complete?
                                                                                              The average completion time from the point of purchase to passing the final assessment is 5.4 hours, but as you have unrestricted access to the course, this is really up to you. While it's possible to work through the course material in a few hours, we recommended taking your time in order to let the information soak in, a few hours per day is ideal.

                                                                                              Each module has an end of topic test, it's not a requirement to achieve a certain score in these tests but your score will give you an indication of the knowledge you've gained during the module and also highlight any gaps. You should then go back and revisit the module to ensure their are no gaps in your knowledge as you'll need a good understanding of the topic to complete the final assessment, which requires an 80% pass.

                                                                                              Will I receive a certificate?
                                                                                              A digital certificate of achievement you can print yourself will automatically be emailed to those who achieve a grade of 80% or higher in the final assessment. There is also the option to have a physical copy posted to you instead, which is normally dispatched with fourteens days of completion of the course. If you fail to achieve the required score, you are able to revisit the course material and try again as many times as you like. Certificates are professionally designed and printed. We hope they will be a keepsake of what we hope will be an enjoyable course.

                                                                                              What is digital accreditation?
                                                                                              As well as a certificate of achievement, a link will automatically be generated which you can share or link to. The web page will include your name and details of your courses you've completed. You can add the badge provided to your website or blog to show that you qualified in this specialist field.

                                                                                              How do I know if this course is for me?
                                                                                              While we have put a lot of work in to making sure this course is useful to everyone and has general appeal, if you find that it's not what you expected for any reason, then get in touch and we'll sort out a full refund for you, no questions asked.

                                                                                              How did other users rate this course?
                                                                                              We are passionate about the feedback we receive on our courses and ask all users who complete them to tell us what they thought. You can read reviews from our past students on our feedback page. You can see the user ratings specific to this course below:
                                                                                              How likely would you be to recommend us to a friend? - 4.7/5
                                                                                              Overall how satisfied were you with the course? - 4.7/5
                                                                                              How concise did you find this course? - 4.6/5
                                                                                              How likely are you to try another course with us? - 4.8/5

                                                                                              Are you a registered learning provider?
                                                                                              Yes, our UK Register of Learning Providers reference number (UKPRN) is 10066925.


                                                                                              Get Started...

                                                                                              Enrol Now For £10


                                                                                              Price includes certificate of achievement, and digital accreditation.



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