Horoscopes For Every Star Sign Updated Daily

Free daily horoscopes for the next seven days for each of the twelve zodiac signs. Read your own accurate forecasts as predicted by our astrology experts, covering matters of love, finance, career and health. These astrological predictions are updated daily, so be sure to check back tomorrow.


Daily Horoscopes For This Week

Daily horoscopes for Tuesday 22nd October, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

Be careful to stay focused while driving and be an active listener. Other people are likely to be scattered and unfocused and it may be up to you to being their attention back to the road or the task at hand. This is an especially bad time to text and drive.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

If you want your partner to be more sexy, indulge their desire to talk right now. You could find yourself drifting into some pretty sexy conversations. You may also be talking about the possibility of bringing more children into your family. You'll be highly creative right now.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

A secret that bursts forth like a breaking dam takes you and your family down new and unexpected challenges. But the truth not only hurts - it's also a powerful healer. Don't let yourself be dragged under by your fears! Let yourself be swept away to a better place.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

You could be a good friend or a mentor to a young child. You may have skills, ideas, or resources that could make a young child feel that life is much better. You could also be a great help to that child and their parents.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

A secret could be revealed right now that opens the doorway to career and social opportunities. Listen to the older people in your social circle, who know how to make important connections. You may overhear something while networking or gossiping that leads to positive changes.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

You are not at your communicative best right now. Even though you have good opportunities for showing off your mind-power right now, you seem determined to float off into outer space every time the spotlight shines in your direction. Get focused!

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

Some changes you are considering making to your home or family may need to be delayed or revised. This might seem inconvenient, but it could turn out to be an ironic blessing in disguise. You may find an unusual opportunity to stretch your budget.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

You are suddenly eager to spend a lot of money, to buy pricey electronics items or to upgrade your laptop right now. Be careful how, where, why and on what you choose to spend your money. The larger and more impulsive the purchase, the lower value it is likely to be.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

Your chart right now practically shouts that you need to exercise more, and you need to watch your diet. You have financial opportunities to celebrate, but if you do that with cookie dough ice cream, it will go straight to your waist line right now.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

Your career path looks challenging right now, despite some recent gains, but don't get discouraged. You still have opportunities to move up the corporate ladder. Something that seems to be a setback could actually be a big booster later on, after the dust settles.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

If you are a parent, watch your temper carefully right now. It could be just too easy to lose your cool over another request from a child who thinks you are a living moneybag. Think back to when you were a child. Did you really understand what "We can't afford it" means?

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

Your workplaces is likely to be a little chaotic right now as there are a lot of "big deal" phone calls but it seems no-one is able to connect. You are going to hear good news about your finances, or about some treasured item you have been lusting after.

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Daily horoscopes for Wednesday 23rd October, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

Friends, companions and coworkers are all finding ways to help you spend your money right now. Someone wants you to join them in a class or seminar, and while the information may be important, it could be a lot more expensive than you bargained for.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

A new group of people that you meet online could be very important to your social future. While you may never meet face to face, you may be forming powerful bonds in the virtual world. There is even the prospect of a whirlwind virtual romance.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

You want to encourage a loved one to go to school, or at the very least take up some reading material to jump-start them out of the rut that they are in, but it looks like they are not listening to you. They may be throwing away their talents as you fear, but pushing them won't solve the problem.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

You may have an argument or disagreement with or about a child. Whatever the issue, remembering what life was like when you were their age might bring the perspective and wisdom you need to come to a solution that works best for everyone concerned.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

Take some time to treat yourself for a job well done. You may feel celebration is premature, but you deserve to pat yourself on the back for everything you have done, not just the outcome of your actions.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

You may find that other drivers are slow, lethargic, or distracted on the road right now. They seem to be daydreaming, not driving. You might be easily distracted yourself right now. Turn the phone off before you back the car out of the driveway.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

You've probably felt somewhat unlucky recently but the fact is the restrictions you have dealt with are for your own good. You will feel some challenges are much lighter right now as a result of news or information you receive online or from a long distance phone call.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

You may have to push yourself to get motivated right now. You may feel some insecure or anxious because a career competitor is better educated or more experienced. Don't let that get to you! You have the skills and knowledge, and there is plenty of room for your insight.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

Make sure that you listen to the concerns of your partner if the subject of the budget comes up right now. If you are still single, you may have a dispute with a date over the payment of the dinner bill if you are not careful to agree who is paying in advance.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

You may have an anxious moment about your finances right now, but you are likely to find that things won't be as bad as you fear. You may be tempted to turn your phone off, though. There may be challenges involving travel plans if you have a vacation coming soon.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

You have a problem with a coworker that can be resolved right now with a little creativity, patience and charm. Avoid any political or social topics over the lunch table. If you want to keep the peace, stay to the topics you know are safe - like the schedule for the latest project.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

You may have had a disappointment in your career path recently, and someone higher up on the ladder is making plans to make up for the injustice. It is important to stay friendly and to keep the lines of communication open with older people in your social or career circle.

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Daily horoscopes for Thursday 24th October, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

The cash-flow situation is improving! You could have a garage sale or find there is more equity in your home than you thought. Home improvements, home businesses, or money that comes in from family members are all likely manifestations of right now's energies.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

You may find that you have more luck in romance right now if you don't seek the advice of your family. They won't be the most clear-minded and could actually steer you in the wrong direction. If you have choices to make, take slow, deep breaths, and follow your own heart and mind.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

You and your significant other may have some challenging moments right now. You won't be seeing eye to eye, and there are some risks of arguments or disagreements right now. One of you accuses the other of being a stick in the mud, the other comes across as unrealistic.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

Work-related travel looks particularly challenging. Commuting is likely to be a nightmare. You may also experience trouble with paperwork, documents, publicity or your work or education history. You may be asked to back up a challenging opinion or idea.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

It's going to be a high-energy day with a lot of confusing, conflicting energies that come largely from friends, companions, groups or clubs. People in general will be hyperactive, dramatic, excitable and unfocused. Don't try to herd cats right now.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

You may be thinking about organising your home better, rearranging or redecorating. Just make sure you get some help with the heavy lifting. You may be a little impatient and that could make you accident-prone. Take things one job at a time.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

You may be entertaining a change in career direction soon. A sudden breakthrough with a long awaited opportunity could provide the opening you have been anticipating. If you get a financial boost, it could help you pay off debts or save for something special.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

This is not a good time to get into distracting arguments with friends or companions, especially when the topic surrounds money or values. If the subject comes up, change the subject as fast as you can. Don't loan any money unless you are prepared to write it off.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

Your leadership ability is blossoming right now. You find that wisdom comes from out of the blue. You have a connection with a deep source of information that is beyond your conscious awareness. You may have wild an unusual ideas and inspiration right now.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

You may find that an unusual investment opportunity has the possibility to bring in big returns, but you may have to be patient with some ups and downs before you can cash in. Being careful is a good idea if you are betting the family farm, but if you are playing with your mad money, a little risk could bring in a good return.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

If you can stay focused on investment matters and money that comes to you through shared resources, you will find that your intuition works quite well right now. Don't let your attention get distracted by a short-term career-related issue that can derail your focus.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

This is a good day to look at new homes, but not a good day to make an offer to buy one. You will be focused on the concerns important to your family, but you may find that the "big deal" issues you are all hot under the collar about turn out to be a tempest in a teapot.

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Daily horoscopes for Friday 25th October, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

If you and your significant other are not seeing eye to eye right now, it may not be the best time to bring up your vacation plans, even if that makes for a welcome change of subject. If you want to surprise your partner with a spontaneous trip, make it to some place that they have always wanted to go.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

Someone is playing matchmaker, with a strange or unusual twist. They are trying to bring together polar opposites. This time, it could actually work. If you are one of the parties to the experiment just remember that this could change everything for the better. Give it a chance.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

You have some good money news coming your way, and will be looking at ways to leverage a social advantage into personal or financial gain. You will have wild and exciting ideas that you can use to advantage in your career later in the week.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

Someone you look upon as an authority figure can help you financially or in your career ambitions for the future. You may find that there are hidden strings attached though, so make sure that you are careful to outline al the responsibilities and rewards clearly.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

Your interests, and the needs of a friend may seem at odds right now. One wants to play, and the other wants to work. Don't get pushed into any unscheduled commitments if you are the workaholic one and if you want to play, make sure there are open spots in the calendar first.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

It will be a trying and challenging but potentially rewarding day. You may find that you attract disagreements, but once you get past the initial debate, you could learn a lot about others, and about your own subconscious motivations. Careful planning helps smooth the rough spots.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

Secrets and their consequences are the theme of the day. You have gotten a message recently that you take much better care of others than you do of yourself. Now is the time to buy yourself some space, some rest or some free time for a hobby.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

Your career may make a sudden and dramatic 90-degree turn right now. There will be challenges but the overall impact looks positive. So even if you experience changes that are troublesome, keep an open mind. You may find yourself in better shape than you thought possible.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

You may be feeling that money is going out as fast as it is coming in, but you can stem the tide if you are more careful about discretionary purchases right now. You especially want to avoid any goodies that are shiny, pretty, flashy and unnecessary.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

You may have to make a sudden adjustment to your budget because of the actions of a friend who leaves you hanging right now. Your significant other has some ideas that could help you use your social connections to find a new income source, new clients or a new job.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

You are the centre of attention right now. You are extremely popular and everyone seems to want to grab a piece of your time right now. You can make new friends and learn things right now that will be important in your future. Keep the door open to some unusual people - they may have unusual gifts.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

Small animals can make a hug blessing in your life right now. If you are not able to maintain your own menagerie, you may find you can volunteer at a local rescue shelter, or foster an animal temporarily. A friend may even ask you to be their pet sitter.

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Daily horoscopes for Saturday 26th October, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

Financial changes are coming your way as a result of positive changes in your workplace. The one challenge will be a superior's suggestion that you need to go back to school because of the new technological changes that your responsibilities will soon entail.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

A friend of yours could ask you for advice regarding a relationship right now. You may share some kind of hurtful experience in the past that makes it hard for you both to trust, so you understand each other. The best advice is "Follow your gut feeling."

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

You have an investment opportunity fall out of the blue, but it is not all it seems. You may be better off if you take the time to carefully study this one. It comes with some responsibilities or strings attached that may not be obvious at first.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

You may be getting together with family soon. There could be a challenge involving a sick or elderly loved one who may need assistance in staying independent. You may need to put your foot down with someone who wants you to carry their share of a family burden.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

You have some wild and interesting exchanges with relatives and loved ones right now. Someone you care deeply for has a new love interest, and their adventures have everyone's jaws flapping. Make sure you only pass along the good news right now.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

You want to improve your shot at getting a promotion or a plum assignment, but if you think you can do that with a last-minute crash course, think again. You may need longer than you have to prepare your research. You may have to beg more time for your deadlines.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

You could have a sudden and unexpected encounter with an authority figure who throws your plans into disarray. Stick to the speed limit. If you drive slow, drive in the slow lane. And if you do get pulled over, be polite. Watch for detour signs and speed traps right now.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

Open mouth, insert foot. You will be in the most danger of unfortunate faux pas at the office, where your temper is on a very short fuse. Someone seems to have replaced your coworkers with Stepford employees - vapid, vain and empty of all intelligence.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

A friend or companion could put you in the spot financially right now. They may be asking for help or assistance because a family health or emotional crisis has put them into a stressful position. If you can't give money, maybe you can give time or advice instead.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

You have an opportunity to get some frustrations off your chest right now. A good friend could act as a sounding board at just the time when you need to vent. Someone in your family could let you down, you may not be able to count on them for help with the chores right now.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

Relationships may be both challenging and rewarding right now. It is a good day to take a step back, relax and care for one another. It is not a good day for confrontations, for heavy work together, or for taking in heavily active sporting events.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

You will be the centre of attention right now. People will find you to be interesting, attractive and entertaining, and you may find that you are invited to more than one upcoming party. Choose carefully, especially if you are single. There could be romantic possibilities.

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Daily horoscopes for Sunday 27th October, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

You could be having a short case of the summer-time "blahs" for a while right now. That's when you find yourself trapped indoors, doing the drudge work, when you'd rather be out playing in the sun someplace. Frequent rest breaks and short walks in the outdoors may help bring your mood up.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

Your love life is about to get a booster shot. You may have an unusual attraction to someone who whorls normally be outside your range of interest. If you are married, your significant other may share a wild fantasy you did not imagine they were nurturing.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

You will have a tendency to be impatient with other drivers right now, and that could put you at odds with an authority figure. Do be careful not to drive too quickly - Smokey is out with his radar gun and you are the one most likely in the sights.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

A romantic plot twist may bring a pleasant surprise. What at first seems to be a loss or challenge may turn out to be a huge opportunity. Honesty is always the best policy, but that does not mean you have to share everything. You may want to keep some hot gossip under wraps for now.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

If you are getting together with friends to watch Netflix and kick back this evening, all well and good. If on the other hand, you are getting together with some kind of productive purpose in mind, expect to be disappointed. No-one will want to work.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

A relationship important to your sell-being and self esteem seems somehow threatened right now. You are being asked to make some challenging choices. There is an unpleasant ultimatum being delivered and it looks like there is no comfortable compromise or middle ground.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

The money is coming in again, or you have found some extra wiggle-room in your budget. Daily chores go quickly right now, and you can make the best use of the day's energies if you focus on your own needs, particularly where it comes to healthy lifestyle choices.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

You are about to take on a new leadership role. You may feel drawn to some kind if revolutionary cause. Whether your goals are social, philanthropic, or political, you can move more of the mountain by creating other leaders than you can by creating followers.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

Your intuition will not be too sharp right now, but you may be tempted to act impulsively on it. Be careful before making any changes to long-term plans, and avoid impulsive long distance phone calls. Especially avoid calling old friends or siblings who you have outstanding issues with.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

Wait to be asked before sharing spiritual advice, especially in the workplace. The possibility for misunderstanding could result in someone getting offended. If you are asked, make sure it is understood you are only offering an opinion.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

Your subconscious mind will be flashing conflicting messages into your consciousness right now. Those you feel most strongly prone to act on, the impulsive need to play at the expense of work or family responsibilities, will probably not be the most wise or beneficial.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

Romantic partnerships are under stress right now, and it is amongst friends and children that you find the greatest support. You will be highly popular and could be invited to some kind of entertainment event, but you may find your partner is less than thrilled with the idea.

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Daily horoscopes for Monday 28th October, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

You may want to change your lifestyle dramatically right now, but that severe diet or exercise program that has caught your eye might actually be dangerous. Don't make sudden changes without consulting a dietician or healthcare professional who knows your current lifestyle.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

Your financial picture could be pretty confusing right now. If you do any Internet banking, avoid the bank's web site right now - they could have strange problems or hiccups that could temporarily affect your accounts. Any crossed wires will be untangled quickly though.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

A technological tool or device may prove to be very helpful in dealing with an old chore. You may have had this device for some time, but are suddenly finding ways to make it useful. With a little patience you may be able to find other uses for it as well.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

Friendships are being formed in the workplace that could have an important and positive effect on the daily working conditions you face. You will form bonds with people who can connect you to opportunities that have previously been denied to you.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

You may find yourself in favour with the boss, your employer, or some local dignitary, but you are in considerably less appeal with coworkers or subordinates right now. You may be in something of a conflict of interest position right now.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

Your romantic energy is white hot right now. You are sexy and interesting, and most people find you utterly irresistible. If you are single, you may meet someone special whose first words are "I don't think so!"... but you will not let an apparent rejection stop you.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

Victory! That little rebellion you started has turned into a full-scale revolt and the tide of the battle is definitely moving in your favour. Don't be afraid to push for changes with every last ounce of your strength. You can move mountains.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

You feel anxious and uncertain and don't know why. You need a feeling of greater stability around you and will be reaching out for trustworthy advice and feedback. A friend or companion could provide the insight you are seeking. Your mood will come around when you sort out the details.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

You will take a challenge to stand in the spotlight and the person you will surprise most is yourself. You have the ability to motivate and inspire others right now by overcoming your fears and self-imposed limitations. A public speaking opportunity is just the stretch you need.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

You will hit something of a plateau at work right now, and may find that it is difficult to get much done. This condition is very short term, and it would not hurt you to give yourself a bit of a break anyway. Don't try to push yourself too hard right now.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

You are having a touch of the wanderlust right now, but other commitments are likely to keep you rooted firmly at home. You may have investments or responsibilities that get in the way of getting away. Paperwork does go smoothly and a business trip will be challenging but successful.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

A new flavour may catch your attention. New recipes, food preparation ideas or a new foodie craze may have you breaking out the pots, pans and utensils. You might need some exotic tool or ingredient that is a little hard to find.

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Astrological Traits: Zodiac Signs Meanings Explained

What does the zodiac say about you? The zodiac is a collection of constellations that tell movements of the sun and moon, as well as, other planets. There are twelve signs of the zodiac and they are based on the constellations that are considered to be especially important to us here on Earth.

Every culture around the world has a different way of interpreting the stars, but you'll be most familiar with the twelve zodiac signs used in the Western world.

No matter what your sign is, you will find that there is a specific pull in the universe that seems to get you to move towards a specific path in life, and that is because of your position with the Moon, the Sun, and the planets. Sometimes it will be a good day, and sometimes it will be a bad day, however, you can learn and grow with each day.

Below is a comical examination of the astrological traits of each of the star signs.

Monthly Numerology Forecasts

  • Aries: Astrological Traits

    March 17, 2016

    In astrology aries is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign.

  • Pisces: Astrological Traits

    February 19, 2016

    In astrology pisces is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Piscean are the wettest of all astrological breeds of human. They’re constantly drip drip dripping water from their soggy, piscean heads. No wonder pisceans are so stupid, no a...

  • Aquarius: Astrological Traits

    January 28, 2016

    In astrology aquarius is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Aquarians are playful and inquisitive, they are often seen enjoying themselves sliding around on muddy banks or in snow... Aquarians are one of the most resilient zodiacal signs,...

  • Capricorn: Astrological Traits

    December 03, 2015

    In astrology capricorn is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Capricorn is named after the Greek God Andy Miller, a family butcher from the North of England... Although its never been proved, some scientists believe that capricorns can as...

  • Sagittarius: Astrological Traits

    November 19, 2015

    In astrology sagittarius is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Sagittariumism is a condition which effect roughly 1 in 12 people. It can be cured with a sharp knock to the head or by amputation of the lower body... Sagittarians are very...

  • Scorpio: Astrological Traits

    October 15, 2015

    In astrology scorpio is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Scorpios are named after the strange mythical creature, the scorpion. Legend says these 40 foot long beasts had a poisons venom stinging tail, but no one knows if these terrifying...

  • Libra: Astrological Traits

    September 26, 2015

    In astrology libra is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Libra means milk and librans are milky, incredibly milky. In fact there connection to dairy doesn’t stop there. Librans are mostly live on a diet of cheese and butter. You put...

  • Virgo: Astrological Traits

    August 21, 2015

    In astrology leo is one the virgo sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Female virgos make the most attentive parents of all the zodiac signs, they construct nests made of vegetation and mud and they can lay over 50 eggs in a single season... Virgos are of...

  • Leo: Astrological Traits

    July 24, 2015

    In astrology leo is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Leos tend to be very mischievous, this is why they usually turn to hard crime later in life. Not all leos are thieves but they are all cheats and liars. This is why they normally to...

  • Cancer: Astrological Traits

    June 19, 2015

    In astrology cancer is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Cancerians are one of the most aggressive zodiac breeds, their ability to spit a poisonous venom is used to debilitate their pray while hunting... Most cancerians hibernate during...

  • Gemini: Astrological Traits

    May 21, 2015

    In astrology taurus is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Gemini is the Spanish word for twin and all geminis are in fact twins, I myself have a twin step brother called Lucy... Geminis are known for their keen sense of smell, their love...

  • Taurus: Astrological Traits

    April 23, 2015

    In astrology taurus is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Taurus means bull and it’s a fact that taureans get many of their traits from the bull. For example, they stink, they have mutant-like claws and they play a significant role in...

Daily Horoscopes


Some changes you are considering making to your home or family may need to be delayed or revised. This might seem inconvenient, but it could turn out to be an ironic blessing in disguise. You may find an unusual opportunity... Read More