Horoscopes For Every Star Sign Updated Daily
Free daily horoscopes for the next seven days for each of the twelve zodiac signs. Read your own accurate forecasts as predicted by our astrology experts, covering matters of love, finance, career and health. These astrological predictions are updated daily, so be sure to check back tomorrow.
Daily Horoscopes For This Week
Daily horoscopes for Wednesday 18th September, 2024
♈ Aries ‐ Mar 21 - Apr 19
You'll have mixed results if you invest on your gut feel or intuition right now. It is best to go the slow route and pursue a low-risk strategy. You may feel a strong impulse to gamble but it's unlikely to pay off. Listen to an authority figure whose advice you can trust.
♉ Taurus ‐ Apr 20 - May 20
You could have sudden or unexpected arguments or trouble with a family member right now. Watch your temper and avoid anyone who makes a regular habit of pushing your buttons. You need a bit of a break and a friend or club that shares similar hobbies could perk you up.
♊ Gemini ‐ May 21 - Jun 20
Trust your own self-knowledge and self-confidence when dealing with a small embarrassment or faux-pas at a social event. Your maturity and wisdom in dealing with unexpected setbacks will impress people if you stay calm. A family member is pressuring you to change.
♋ Cancer ‐ Jun 21 - Jul 22
A child may come home with good news, a report card or an award of some kind. If you are not a parent yourself, you may find satisfaction right now in mentoring or tutoring a needy young child. You have more to give than you may realise.
♌ Leo ‐ Jul 23 - Aug 22
Communication, travel and higher education will be on your mind, but mundane gossip and distractions from people close to you are keeping you from setting your goals and sticking to them. While there is good news coming, you may be forced to shout "Quiet!" several times.
♍ Virgo ‐ Aug 23 - Sep 22
Relatives and loved ones with health challenges could require time and attention right now. There is a wonderful opportunity for you to find a new or alternative way to help them live healthier and more productive lives. Reach out and share what you learn.
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♎ Libra ‐ Sep 23 - Oct 22
You may experience delays or confusion getting to an appointment with your doctor, or in arranging for some kind of healthcare procedure. Double check on any new prescriptions or treatments. Make sure you have checked out any alternatives.
♏ Scorpio ‐ Oct 23 - Nov 21
Don't end up in a "road rage" incident. Practice counting to ten, taking deep breaths, remember that the idiot tailgating you or driving slowly in the passing lane could be your own mother, father, sister or brother, and you'll have more understanding.
♐ Sagittarius ‐ Nov 22 - Dec 21
If you are still single, a friend may be plotting a pleasant meeting behind your back, a "serendipitous" meeting with someone they think is just perfect for you. If you are not single, you and your significant other could be going out together with friends soon for some fun.
♑ Capricorn ‐ Dec 22 - Jan 19
Sudden changes in your or your partner's career or attitude could leave you feeling uncertain. Follow your intuition, your "gut feel", to chart the right course. You can benefit by serious study of the issues, don't be afraid to seek out help and advice.
♒ Aquarius ‐ Jan 20 - Feb 18
Today your friends will come to express their thanks or understanding of a tough choice you made yesterday, and sharing experiences will draw you closer together. You will have an opportunity or invitation to join a group or club, or to start a charitable effort with the potential to help a lot of people.
♓ Pisces ‐ Feb 19 - Mar 20
Being the centre of attention is less fun right now. You may be fuzzy and disconnected and you don't have a lot of time or patience for other people's crazy antics. And they are crazy enough right now. Put your spare energies into learning what you can about alternative healing right now, it could pay off.
Daily horoscopes for Thursday 19th September, 2024
♈ Aries ‐ Mar 21 - Apr 19
You and your partner will come to an agreement that will smooth out any rough spots you may have had regarding your career. You may be considering going back to school or taking a lecture or class together. You have an opportunity to advance because of organisational changes.
♉ Taurus ‐ Apr 20 - May 20
You may be tempted to invest in a stunning makeover right now, but it could go badly if you make your choice is based on any feedback you get from friends or siblings right now. Someone may make a comment on your appearance that is actually motivated by their own lack of self-confidence.
♊ Gemini ‐ May 21 - Jun 20
A family member could bring great good news about a new home, addition to the family, or a real estate deal may pay off for you. It will be a warm and interesting day with many opportunities. You may be able to make money from a home-based business, or will hear news of new income from other sources.
♋ Cancer ‐ Jun 21 - Jul 22
You could have unexpected or unusual arguments with people right now. The biggest challenge comes from your significant other, who may be under pressure from an elder parent to make some major changes to the status quo. You are not ready to meet their demands just yet.
♌ Leo ‐ Jul 23 - Aug 22
Your intuition, dream life, or prayer life is a little too powerful right now. You are like a steamroller without brakes right now. You may lack tact and consideration. You need to watch that legendary temper of yours, too, because you'll be blowing up at the drop of a hat.
♍ Virgo ‐ Aug 23 - Sep 22
If there is a leadership struggle in the workplace right now, be extra tactful and considerate. Don't take sides if there is a battle between the men and women, or between one male supervisor and a female supervisor. If you are one of the warring parties, listening pays.
♎ Libra ‐ Sep 23 - Oct 22
If you are single, someone wants to set you up. But their taste in relationship material may be dramatically different than yours. If the friendship is important you may feel you have to go along with their plans for a blind date even if you don't have much enthusiasm.
♏ Scorpio ‐ Oct 23 - Nov 21
You are romantic and idealistic right now. You may meet someone who is highly attractive, exciting, intelligent and sensual, who returns your attentions with interest. You'll have a lot in common, and will be able to talk all night long about nothing in particular.
♐ Sagittarius ‐ Nov 22 - Dec 21
You may be going on a much-anticipated trip soon, but you need to take some precautions if all is to go smoothly. Make sure you have all the money, medications and documentation you may need. Be sure all vehicles are safety-checked.
♑ Capricorn ‐ Dec 22 - Jan 19
People are dreamy, moody, distracted and unfocused right now, especially coworkers and business associates. You will be spending a great deal of time on the phone going back over the same issues because it seems that no-one is really paying attention.
♒ Aquarius ‐ Jan 20 - Feb 18
You are thinking about recommending a friend for a job or position and you are not completely sure they are right for it. If you are put on the spot, don't be anything less than honest, especially if your own reputation is on the line. A true friend will understand.
♓ Pisces ‐ Feb 19 - Mar 20
A social opportunity may also provide you with a chance to make some extra money right now. You could find a way to make extra money from art, crafts, or music, or get together with others from your workplace who share your interests or hobbies.
Daily horoscopes for Friday 20th September, 2024
♈ Aries ‐ Mar 21 - Apr 19
You are likely to have something of a chaotic day right now. If you are at work, you may find customers and coworkers are much more demanding than is normally the case. If it is a day off, you may have a lot of work on your to-do list.
♉ Taurus ‐ Apr 20 - May 20
A friend could call up with interesting and positive news, but it could be one of those social occasions that requires a pricey present or gift, something like a shower or wedding. You may have to be creative in finding an affordable way to express a sentiment.
♊ Gemini ‐ May 21 - Jun 20
You have an ability to really reach people right now. Put it to good use! People in the workplace will be intrigued by your creative ideas. Potential partners are wowed by your insights. And children are just enthralled by your storytelling abilities.
♋ Cancer ‐ Jun 21 - Jul 22
Your physical energy is very high, and normally that would be a good thing, but your mental energies are scattered and that could make for some moments of anxiety. You may also have some problems with some cranky or uncooperative communications devices.
♌ Leo ‐ Jul 23 - Aug 22
There are unexpected developments in that home-based or family-oriented business that keeps coming up in your chart. You may find that there is a sudden burst of interest after you set up your web site, or that you are getting a ton of orders through a message or email.
♍ Virgo ‐ Aug 23 - Sep 22
You have an opportunity to enjoy music right now, and may even be considering learning a musical instrument. This could interfere with some promises you made to help out with someone's household chores though, and you may end up having to make a compromise between duty and pleasure.
♎ Libra ‐ Sep 23 - Oct 22
You may stumble across an amazingly good web site while you are out surfing for fun right now. You may feel at first that the offer is too good to be true, but if there is an educational component, at least give it a second look before you write it off.
♏ Scorpio ‐ Oct 23 - Nov 21
The men in your workplace may hold the keys to new financial opportunities. Keep your eyes and ears open for a problem you can solve. Someone will be a grateful future sponsor or reference.
♐ Sagittarius ‐ Nov 22 - Dec 21
You may feel a little down right now or low on energy. You may feel that you have hit some kind of creative road block, that you have suddenly turned invisible to the people you work with right now. Don't try to push through right now - wait until the audience is more receptive.
♑ Capricorn ‐ Dec 22 - Jan 19
Today it's friendship and "values" that don't go together terribly well. You can have wonderful friendly chats with your friends, coworkers and associates, provided you keep the topic sweet and light. But get into culture, values and religion and you are in deep waters.
♒ Aquarius ‐ Jan 20 - Feb 18
You need some time alone with a good book, or to study in some new interest you have taken on, but people in your life just don't seem to get that you are actually doing something. You may have to drive away from home in order to find a quiet space.
♓ Pisces ‐ Feb 19 - Mar 20
There is a sudden difference between your financial resources and those of your normal social circle. Whether you are on the up side or the down side, it means you can't share the same interests you are used to. One side or the other can't afford the kind of entertainment that the other takes for granted.
Daily horoscopes for Saturday 21st September, 2024
♈ Aries ‐ Mar 21 - Apr 19
You may have to make an adjustment in your financial plans right now. You may face a significant challenge because of news you hear about the credibility of your boss, employer, or a significant partner in your business plans. Stay flexible and avoid high-risk projects.
♉ Taurus ‐ Apr 20 - May 20
You may find yourself thinking that you want to be like someone else when you grow up, but hey, who says you have to grow up? Or at least be grown up all the time. Some silly giggles and fun or funny distractions would be a blessing right now.
♊ Gemini ‐ May 21 - Jun 20
You might not like what your friends are telling you right now, but they are right. You need to get more active. So challenge them to practice what they are preaching, find some way you can all get more physically active, but avoid competitive sports right now.
♋ Cancer ‐ Jun 21 - Jul 22
You and your partner have come to some kind of compromise right now, and you can get back to harmony if you are flexible enough. Remember to be a good listener. If you are single, you may find yourself attracted to someone who comes from another cultural or religious background.
♌ Leo ‐ Jul 23 - Aug 22
You may be feeling that you have spent too much time and money socialising with friends and companions the past while, and you want to get in a little time alone to yourself. The problem is that you have made commitments that are not easy to get out of.
♍ Virgo ‐ Aug 23 - Sep 22
Romantic signals could get a little mixed up in the "he said, she said" department. Remember to communicate your intentions, don't assume your partner can read your mind. They may not even be able to understand all your words right now!
♎ Libra ‐ Sep 23 - Oct 22
You are the centre of attention. You will likely get a lot of phone calls, letters and emails from loved ones right now. There is good news about a birth or addition to the family. You will be popular, attractive and highly interesting to others right now.
♏ Scorpio ‐ Oct 23 - Nov 21
You will feel like buying a lottery ticket. Good luck they say comes in threes, and you may be having a bit of a lucky streak. Keep your eyes open for new financial opportunities. You may need to act fast.
♐ Sagittarius ‐ Nov 22 - Dec 21
You may find that your subconscious mind is playing tricks at times right now. Your energy is likely to fluctuate a fair bit, and your mood will swing wildly from one end of the spectrum to the other. Listen to the little messages that your body is giving you right now.
♑ Capricorn ‐ Dec 22 - Jan 19
You are pushed into "Sacred Warrior" mode. You will be facing some issue that is important enough to push you into activism. You may be asked to take action or a leadership role involving the people you socialise with in a spiritual or religious setting. Make sure your family and loved ones are supportive of any drastic changes.
♒ Aquarius ‐ Jan 20 - Feb 18
You'll have wonderful opportunities to make friends and meet new people right now. Your energy is a lot more fun-loving and upbeat, and you enjoy any challenges you face. You and your significant other are overdue to be spoiled. If you are looking for a treat, consider a spa treatment or massage.
♓ Pisces ‐ Feb 19 - Mar 20
You're feeling generous right now, and it's finally time that you can spare some energy or some cash to help a needy friend or associate. If you don't have someone like that in your life right now, express your gratitude for your blessings with a gift to a charity.
Daily horoscopes for Sunday 22nd September, 2024
♈ Aries ‐ Mar 21 - Apr 19
If you have an argument with your spouse right now it is likely to be about career, social status or your ambitions. You'll either be labeled completely lazy or a workaholic. The truth lies in the middle somewhere, but emotions are high and reason is absent right now.
♉ Taurus ‐ Apr 20 - May 20
Your intuition came to the rescue recently, and it's paying off in very real dividends right now. You likely put a stop to someone's scam or scheme, and right now you are the toast of the town. You may be able to parlay your popularity into financial opportunities.
♊ Gemini ‐ May 21 - Jun 20
You might have to make some hard choices about your career, but it's all ultimately for a good cause. You could let go of something you thought you needed, only to find out it was that very thing getting in the way of your getting ahead.
♋ Cancer ‐ Jun 21 - Jul 22
You may be traveling soon. If you are heading out for a vacation, make sure that you have all the medications and travel insurance you may need. If you are heading across town, you may have unexpected yet positive encounters with unusual people.
♌ Leo ‐ Jul 23 - Aug 22
You'll definitely be considering a trip of some kind. A lucky break could facilitate the trip, but make sure that you plan things carefully. Other people in your life may get in the way with unreasonable demands. They may be feeling stress because of power struggles in the workplace.
♍ Virgo ‐ Aug 23 - Sep 22
Family members may be looking at you through a mirror of unrealistic hopes and expectations, and you could "catch it" from a relative who is projecting their own insecurities and low self-esteem onto your accomplishments. Keep your chin up - and work towards pleasing yourself first.
♎ Libra ‐ Sep 23 - Oct 22
You may be feeling a bit of a budget squeeze at the moment, but some unexpected income or found money will bring in some breathing room. You may also find money in strange places if you keep your eyes open.
♏ Scorpio ‐ Oct 23 - Nov 21
Your recent interest in expanding your education could hit a bumpy patch right now. There may be unexpected expenses or technological challenges. You phone battery might die or your WiFi connection could let you down at an inopportune moment, a laptop could develop a case of "hiccups".
♐ Sagittarius ‐ Nov 22 - Dec 21
You will be struck by inspiration right now. Writing and communications goes smoothly and quickly right now. If you are behind on the paperwork, this is an excellent day to get that mountain back to molehill size. You have a romantic idea tonight.
♑ Capricorn ‐ Dec 22 - Jan 19
Take a book off the shelf at random and pick a random page. That will be your horoscope for the moment. Right now you will get random insights and strange synchronicities that can lead you to interesting and exciting new discoveries.
♒ Aquarius ‐ Jan 20 - Feb 18
You just don't feel like working right now, but the financial realities may keep you chained to your desk. If you can keep a positive attitude though, you may find that your special efforts catch the eye of someone important who can help you improve the bottom line.
♓ Pisces ‐ Feb 19 - Mar 20
You may receive some clothing as an unexpected gift. There may be something not quite right about the size or colour, but you may find it useful for a re-gift later on. A change of style may break you out of an emotional funk.
Daily horoscopes for Monday 23rd September, 2024
♈ Aries ‐ Mar 21 - Apr 19
A friend or companion will provide you with financial or investing opportunities but there could be strings attached. You will need to be patient if you are to learn the ways to make your money work for you so you don't need to work for your money anymore.
♉ Taurus ‐ Apr 20 - May 20
You'll be prying secrets from a friend or companion right now. It is suddenly very important to you to find out the truth of a matter involving a friend. Be careful that you don't push to hard, you'll get the information you are seeking without breaking down your friendship.
♊ Gemini ‐ May 21 - Jun 20
You have an opportunity to share your deepest dreams, wishes, or insights with a good friend right now. You may realise that you and your friend have healing or teaching ability. You may decide to seek out teachers or classes in alternative healthcare or healing.
♋ Cancer ‐ Jun 21 - Jul 22
You will be hearing good news, and opportunities will come to you over the phone or online. Don't be afraid to speak your mind right now - you have greater wisdom than you may think possible. You have ideas that are worth a lot to the right people.
♌ Leo ‐ Jul 23 - Aug 22
A loved one may accuse you of being selfish right now. Smile back and ask them what is wrong with a little pampering every now and then? You have earned a break, and if it is not in line with everyone else's desires, that is not the end of the world.
♍ Virgo ‐ Aug 23 - Sep 22
You have a chance to take a class or lessons on a subject you have always wanted to learn more about. Go for it - it will bring in opportunities for fun and enjoyment that you may not foresee. You may make some new friends as well as learn something new.
♎ Libra ‐ Sep 23 - Oct 22
It is a good day to focus on your personal chores, health, lifestyle, or fitness. It's not as good a day for trips, get-togethers, or getaways. You could find that there are a number of frustrating silly drivers weaving all over your path.
♏ Scorpio ‐ Oct 23 - Nov 21
You might not be looking forward to the books, but if you spend some time and effort you may discover some hidden treasure in an investment account. You could have a disagreement over travel arrangements right now, and are not at your best for driving.
♐ Sagittarius ‐ Nov 22 - Dec 21
A major opportunity to improve your home becomes apparent right now. You'll be considering new home improvements, renovations and upgrades. What you may not realise at first is that some things have to be torn down before they can be rebuilt. It's a big job.
♑ Capricorn ‐ Dec 22 - Jan 19
You'll be looking for new and interesting forms of entertainment, and anything that includes personal expression, such as crafting, painting or writing would help you both get your feelings "out" and provide you with a pleasant and entertaining diversion.
♒ Aquarius ‐ Jan 20 - Feb 18
Be careful what you say in the workplace right now, be tactful. Someone could take things the wrong way. You risk getting involved in some kind of "gender politics" if you impulsively speak the truth about the challenges you are facing right now.
♓ Pisces ‐ Feb 19 - Mar 20
Someone may attempt to take advantage of you in the workplace right now, but you are not as helpless as you look. In fact, you can be one tough cookie when your sense of justice is disturbed. Remember to keep your cool. You can overcome with strength and compassion.
Daily horoscopes for Tuesday 24th September, 2024
♈ Aries ‐ Mar 21 - Apr 19
You may have unexpected insights about family members and loved ones right now. Someone seems a little cranky or out of sorts, and they may have taken their frustrations out on you. You can use your empathy and charm to bring them back around.
♉ Taurus ‐ Apr 20 - May 20
You are a mental powerhouse right now. You have brilliant ideas, and tons of extra energy, but you are pushing just a little too hard for someone else's comfort levels. You may be right that they are being lazy, but you may be forced to work with them for the time being.
♊ Gemini ‐ May 21 - Jun 20
Let yourself be the centre of attention right now. Allow yourself to be pampered and feted and shown the sights. Someone is very eager to make a good impression on you as you are perceived to be an important decision-maker. You may need to make a quick stop at the salon to ensure you make a good impression.
♋ Cancer ‐ Jun 21 - Jul 22
You will really feel a strong need to take time off from personal chores and work duties to "recreate" yourself right now. Plan for some time spent with sporting or playful physical activity that gets you out of the house and far away from the office.
♌ Leo ‐ Jul 23 - Aug 22
You may get a letter or a phone call that has you adjusting some plans about your finances. You may decide to shuffle some money around for better tax or debt-reduction effect. Trust your intuition when choosing a new banker or investment advisor.
♍ Virgo ‐ Aug 23 - Sep 22
People will come across as rude and demanding and it may take all your patience and compassion to keep from sinking to their level right now. There may be a clerk, cashier, or call centre agent out there somewhere who could really use you kindness right now.
♎ Libra ‐ Sep 23 - Oct 22
There is wonderful news heading your way about your finances, work and career. You had recent hints that something big and beautiful was headed your way and you are going to be hearing confirmation soon. That dream promotion could be right around the corner.
♏ Scorpio ‐ Oct 23 - Nov 21
There will be a lot of phone calls right now, and you may be discussing travel, vacation or a new and exciting book you are reading. Avoid topics like investments, debts and savings plans if you want to stay on the up side of your emotional roller coaster.
♐ Sagittarius ‐ Nov 22 - Dec 21
You have a hard time concentrating at times right now. Your mind and moods tend to swing from one idea, one extreme to another. Go with the flow - when you are "on", push it, and when you are not, let yourself goof off a bit. You will get more done that way.
♑ Capricorn ‐ Dec 22 - Jan 19
Really wild ideas are floating around right now. You may find your love life benefits as a result of some information that comes from abroad, but you are at a disadvantage in applying it. Communications devices are prone to malfunction right now.
♒ Aquarius ‐ Jan 20 - Feb 18
You will likely be traveling with a friend, or commuting together with others right now. You may be arguing about some matter of politics or some trivial issue when you have a terrific idea. If you are driving, get your pal to write it down - it may come in handy soon.
♓ Pisces ‐ Feb 19 - Mar 20
Relationships are important right now and the keywords are communication and compromise. You will only damage your own interests if you let yourself get wrapped up in a power struggle with your mate and partner. Be an "active listener" - mirror back anything you don't understand.
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Astrological Traits: Zodiac Signs Meanings Explained
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February 19, 2016
In astrology pisces is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Piscean are the wettest of all astrological breeds of human. They’re constantly drip drip dripping water from their soggy, piscean heads. No wonder pisceans are so stupid, no a...
January 28, 2016
In astrology aquarius is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Aquarians are playful and inquisitive, they are often seen enjoying themselves sliding around on muddy banks or in snow... Aquarians are one of the most resilient zodiacal signs,...
December 03, 2015
In astrology capricorn is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Capricorn is named after the Greek God Andy Miller, a family butcher from the North of England... Although its never been proved, some scientists believe that capricorns can as...
November 19, 2015
In astrology sagittarius is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Sagittariumism is a condition which effect roughly 1 in 12 people. It can be cured with a sharp knock to the head or by amputation of the lower body... Sagittarians are very...
October 15, 2015
In astrology scorpio is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Scorpios are named after the strange mythical creature, the scorpion. Legend says these 40 foot long beasts had a poisons venom stinging tail, but no one knows if these terrifying...
September 26, 2015
In astrology libra is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Libra means milk and librans are milky, incredibly milky. In fact there connection to dairy doesn’t stop there. Librans are mostly live on a diet of cheese and butter. You put...
August 21, 2015
In astrology leo is one the virgo sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Female virgos make the most attentive parents of all the zodiac signs, they construct nests made of vegetation and mud and they can lay over 50 eggs in a single season... Virgos are of...
July 24, 2015
In astrology leo is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Leos tend to be very mischievous, this is why they usually turn to hard crime later in life. Not all leos are thieves but they are all cheats and liars. This is why they normally to...
June 19, 2015
In astrology cancer is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Cancerians are one of the most aggressive zodiac breeds, their ability to spit a poisonous venom is used to debilitate their pray while hunting... Most cancerians hibernate during...
May 21, 2015
In astrology taurus is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Gemini is the Spanish word for twin and all geminis are in fact twins, I myself have a twin step brother called Lucy... Geminis are known for their keen sense of smell, their love...
April 23, 2015
In astrology taurus is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Taurus means bull and it’s a fact that taureans get many of their traits from the bull. For example, they stink, they have mutant-like claws and they play a significant role in...