Horoscopes For Every Star Sign Updated Daily

Free daily horoscopes for the next seven days for each of the twelve zodiac signs. Read your own accurate forecasts as predicted by our astrology experts, covering matters of love, finance, career and health. These astrological predictions are updated daily, so be sure to check back tomorrow.


Daily Horoscopes For This Week

Daily horoscopes for Saturday 27th July, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

You may be offered a raise, bonus, promotion or a new job soon, and while the financial benefits may be very tempting, it may be that the changes involve additional leadership responsibilities you don't anticipate. You can handle it though, believe in yourself!

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

You and your significant other are not likely to see eye to eye right now, not entirely. There are big changes highlighted in your chart for romantic relationships right now, and you can make the most of an opportunity for personal growth.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

Children, education and entertainment conspire to make a significant hole in your pocketbook. You really seem to be burning through the cash. Avoid credit cards right now. The arrival of unexpected guests could complicate the picture even further.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

You have skills and talents that you can pass along to others. You may have an opportunity to teach or mentor someone. Do not be afraid to stick your neck out, you may find the experience of being a teacher to be extremely rewarding.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight right now that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad. One of those fleeting impressions is golden.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

Healing old family wounds is the goal of the day. You can accomplish a lot by initiating healing connections between the loved ones in your family and circle of friends. A family member could help you heal a long-standing romantic hurt, making everyone feel better.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

You have the ability to forcefully motivate others right now. You could be a little more aggressive than normal where it comes to the daily commute or when pushing for paperwork to be completed. Do be careful to double-check any paperwork you have rushed through.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

Ideas and information will come to you in new, unusual or innovative ways right now. You may have a profound spiritual message that seems to come from your Higher Source, an idea that takes you to a whole new level of personal or spiritual communication.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

This is not the best time to buy a new laptop, update your software or upgrade your phone. You may be itching for a new power toy, but do your homework before making the purchase and find out what the refund policies are before you agree to buy.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

You may have to cover for someone at the workplace who seems to have brought their parting to the workplace. While you may not be thrilled with their irresponsible behaviour, you may ultimately benefit from being the one who gets to deliver some good news to your boss.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

You have the air of the guru or creative genius about you right now. You are coming across as someone who knows something dreamy, idealistic or creative. If you are employed in the arts or entertainment there could be an interesting and energetic meeting right now.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

You may be better off staying silent right now, because if you express your true feelings, someone close by is going to get a major earful. You have some strong opinions, and if you want to share them, think them through carefully first. There is no righteousness in being wrong.

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Daily horoscopes for Sunday 28th July, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

You are not being practical or realistic about the intentions or behaviour of a friend or family member. Chances are that they are hiding the truth from you, and you are wilfully refusing to see there is a problem. If you suspect something is going on, it likely is.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

You feel like you are the flag in the middle of a giant tug of war in your family right now. The best way to avoid the flap is to lay low. If you get in the middle of the flap, you may be able to help in the short term, but it will likely be stressful.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

You may be approached by a number of different clubs or groups who want you to help them with some kind of important paperwork, legal decision or documentation. You may be asked to take on a leadership role. There is some kind of entertainment or fundraising event to organise.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

You may have to make an adjustment in your career schedule soon because of a coworker's ill health, or to meet your own health goals. Ask for extra help or support in the workplace, things could dramatically improve with a few minor adjustments.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

You are coming to grips with the fact that you have not been terribly realistic with your debts, savings, and investments lately, and you need to start a plan. But right now is not the best day to put it in place. You are in a profoundly dreamy state. Do research right now - implement later.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

Someone is going to give you the old "you have to start thinking about your future" speech. Your goals, and the expectations and idealistic goals of your parents and family, may be at odds with each other. You want to spend more time enjoying life.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

Someone weaving a magic spell at a holistic store has very nearly got you convinced that their magic snake oil can cure almost anything - but if you check into it from an unbiased source you may find there are additives or side-effects you don't like.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

You will be planning an upcoming getaway when it dawns on you that your holiday may conflict with a child or relative's scheduled sporting or entertainment events. You may be tempted to push your own desires but that could get you into hot water.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

Your family or neighbourhood is undergoing a lot of changes. People are tense and distracted, and it is not a good time to push for an expensive renovation or home improvement. Wait for opportunities to present themselves. Follow the synchronicities.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

You may get a lot of interesting invitations to parties, picnics and outings right now. You may have to make a choice between going to the movies, the park or the beach. Regardless, make sure you get out and have some fun - it will work miracles on your health and mood.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

You are likely to be hearing good news from your family soon. Someone has gotten good news from a home or real estate investment, or may call seeking your help with some home renovations. The project could lead to side benefits you didn't count on at first.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

You may have some challenges getting your ideas, suggestions and opinions across to others right now. So instead of trying to push your agenda, listen to their opinions instead. You may learn something that is incredibly valuable in the long run.

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Daily horoscopes for Monday 29th July, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

Travel and education are the keywords right now, and you'll have mixed luck with your efforts in these areas. While you may have a chance to travel for pleasure, your pocketbook is likely to suffer. It is not a good idea to put travel expenses on credit cards.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

This is not a good time to go out looking for information about your work, health or well-being - you are too impatient and lack the focus needed to make the most of whatever is there to be learned. You need action right now and the way may be temporarily blocked.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

Someone is playing matchmaker, with a strange or unusual twist. They are trying to bring together polar opposites. This time, it could actually work. If you are one of the parties to the experiment just remember that this could change everything for the better. Give it a chance.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

An opinion a sibling or close friend holds about your lifestyle may come as a bit of a shock. If you do get some surprising information right now pay special attention to it - you might not like it at first but there is wisdom in their insights.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

Learning, studying and teaching others can bring you great joy and a sense of personal satisfaction. You need to be among other people, sharing ideas and getting your mental machine challenged by them. There could be political arguments, but you'll enjoy them.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

You will have a chance to participate in or visit a cultural or entertainment event soon. You may have to make some financial sacrifices if you want to have your fun, though. Interesting phone calls, emails and texts will bring news that will light up the day.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

You may be feeling somewhat lonely or estranged from your love partner right now - if you are single, you may find it hard to connect with new partners. If you are with someone you may find them to be curiously uncommunicative. Either way, you will find that pushing others to open up won't work right now.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

Career and social obligations bring challenges right now. Someone wants something you are not prepared to give. You may find yourself in the middle of some serious discussions about healthcare plans soon. If you are a leader in your office, push for everything you can get.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

Keep your thoughts and impressions to yourself right now. If others are foolish enough to press you, they may be offended by your frank assessment of their shortcomings. And you could come to regret your blunt honesty when cooler heads prevail.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

If your partner is cranky right now, you might consider suggesting a night out with friends or together, or out at a local spa for "his and hers" massages. You both need a little special treatment right now and relaxing together will help you build intimacy.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

Yak, yak yak! You will be asked "Do you ever stop talking?" right now. Say "Nope," and keep right on yakking. You will find out some intriguing information through gossiping with a sibling or loved one right now. Do be careful not to repeat any gossip about a health matter in the family.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

You could have some arguments with health care providers, medical professionals or busy-body relatives who are nagging you to get out and get more active right now. You think you are moving around enough, thank you very much - but walking a block or two a day can't hurt.

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Daily horoscopes for Tuesday 30th July, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

You have gone through a few days of financial challenges, and right now you really don't need to spend a lot of money on that shiny new home entertainment project you are lusting for. It will come back to haunt you if you are not careful to shop for a good deal.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

Get busy on that tough work you have been avoiding, speak out during that dreaded meeting, stick your neck out. You have a good chance of getting noticed and attracting positive attention that can benefit your career. Your words and ideas make a lot of sense right now.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

When you are dealing with crazy or stupid people it may help if you stop, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that they generally are not behaving that way out of ill intent. They really cannot help how they interact. Once you get that, it is easier to let go of the kinds of reactions that only make dealing with them more difficult.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

Relationships open new worlds of possibilities for you right now. If you are single, you could meet someone new through friends, companions, clubs or groups you belong to. If you are with a partner, broaden your horizons by getting out in the company of others together soon - have some fun.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

Your family has something of a split personality right now. They are dividing off into camps like the Hatfields and McCoy's, only they are not fighting with each other, it's their moods that are so much at odds. One group is happy and cheerful, the other a bit down in the dumps.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

You may be elected, chosen, or promoted to a leadership role in the workplace. Suddenly you are very popular, and people are eager to follow your lead. Take advantage and push for the changes that you know are the most desperately needed right now.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

Your ability to charm has returned full force. People see you as a leader, and are interested in what you have to say. You have a powerful new idea that could really change things. Take a chance to pitch it to the powers that be - right now you have a decent shot at making something wonderful happen.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

Now is the time for you to put your best foot forward. You have a talent or skill and you may be offered an opportunity to share that gift with others. Do not be afraid to jump out in front of an audience right now. What you say could make a difference in a big way.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

You'll be discussing healthcare and the way that health affects your job performance. You could be coming down with the sniffles or suffer from a headache right now, but is most likely just stress, overwork or some temporary malaise that is responsible.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

A new job or an opportunity to start your own business may be coming soon. It may be a bit more work than you bargained for at first, but your hard work could pay off with big rewards for your bottom line.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

Spiritual values you share in common with family members are both a source of comfort and a potential bone of contention right now. You may find out that there are ideas or facts about your religious beliefs or family background that are new, changed or had been hidden from you in some way.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

A financial deal may become a bit stressful or confusing right now. You may suffer something of a setback at first, or perhaps you are merely expecting the worst, but things are likely to turn out much better than you thought. Don't let ungrounded fears get you worked up.

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Daily horoscopes for Wednesday 31st July, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

Alternative healthcare options could bring help and healing into your life. You may particularly find comfort by letting go of the "musts" and "should-haves" you have been beating yourself up with lately. Acupuncture, homeopathy, or an intuitive consultation could help.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

You and your partner "need to talk". One of you has taken up a hobby or part-time business involving some kind of teaching, publishing or holistic product and is not feeling much support from the other. You need to find a way to compromise on your time together.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

You may have concerns about a child's education, your own child, or the child of a friend. If it is your own child's future on the line, you will probably want to charge into battle, but if it is a friend, you might want to be a little more tactful.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

The hot buttons fly around fast and furious right now and it may be simply irresistible to avoid pushing one or two. Avoid any "Oh YEAH? Well YOU..." moments. You know what that looks like - throwing back a partner or loved one's own failures in their face is not a prudent or effective way to defend your honour.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

Believe in yourself and your ideas. You may have an insight that could prove profitable if you establish a long-term game plan. Make sure any financial planning is geared for stability and slow growth, but don't be afraid to sink some time, effort and money into your hobbies too.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

Your home is likely to resemble something of a cross between a madhouse and Grand Central Station right now. Your friends and loved ones are hopping around like junkies hyped up on "crack"... though sugar is the likely culprit with most folks - especially children.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

If you are still single, you might not be for very much longer. You have an opportunity to meet someone new and interesting right now, perhaps in the workplace or through a business contact. Keep an open mind, they are likely to come across as a little spacey at first.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

You are going to have to make an adjustment in your attitude towards someone you care for. Have you done everything you could? Or have you done too much? Only you can decide where the proper balance lies. Don't let someone demanding come between you and your loved ones.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

You are likely to find yourself the centre of attention right now, with wild and crazy ideas popping out of you at all hours. You have an electric and contagious energy. Your sense of humour may go completely over the top though, so watch to make sure you don't offend someone's delicate sensibilities.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

Your subconscious mind is throwing a bit of a temper tantrum right now and if you are not single it is your long-suffering mate who is likely to take the brunt of it. If you don't want to end up single, engage mind before opening mouth right now. You could take out your frustrations on an innocent loved one.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

Today you have to proceed carefully and pay special attention to the facts and data rather than following your intuition as you have been lately. This does not mean that your gut feel is wrong, but you could greatly benefit from a second look at your first impression.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

The workplace may seem a bit confusing at times right now. Half your coworkers or clients are on your team, but the rest are on your case. You need to find a way to communicate some good news to people who are overly focused on their worries and fears.

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Daily horoscopes for Thursday 1st August, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

Your mind is full to brimming with wildly innovative ideas right now, but you may find it hard to get others to go along with their implementation. You can try to talk to people right now but they may be too busy or scattered to listen. Be patient and keep working on your presentation.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

You will find yourself in the middle of a busy and exciting social-chat-fun day when the phone rings and someone from the office threatens to spoil everything. Turn the tables on them and invite them to join you instead. A little social bonding may make you more effective in the workplace.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

This may not be the best time to rewrite the house or year up the plumbing. You would be better off to take some extra time to plan things, especially if this is a new project. There could be a sudden expense related to your home.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

You may face criticism from a loved one whose aesthetic sensibilities or values are radically different from your own. Keep doing your own thing, you need to live with your reflection, they don't. There could be good luck or news coming about a trip or vacation.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

An interesting job opportunity could come from the place you least expected. You could be offered a different position at your workplace, or be given a shot at a job where a friend is working. Keep your eyes open for something new that better fits your skills and temperament.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

The money is coming in again, or you have found some extra wiggle-room in your budget. Daily chores go quickly right now, and you can make the best use of the day's energies if you focus on your own needs, particularly where it comes to healthy lifestyle choices.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

People will be acting quite strangely. Maybe it is just family stress, or the stress of world events, but they will be acting and driving like they are in some kind of a war zone. A long-distance phone call could bring some interesting news.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

It's a complicated and confusing day right now, but you can get a lot more done if you don't let yourself get too distracted by temporary financial troubles. Stay focused on the daily chores, or on the long-term career goals that will ultimately pull you back on track.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

Your home or family is a bit chaotic right now. Things are going extremely well, but there is a lot to do, and very little time to get it all done. It may be hard to corral all the cats and get them herded in the same direction because there is just too much energy.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

You will be highly focused, energetic and strongly intuitive right now. You may be called upon to participate in an investigation, or testify in a legal matter. You may have to keep something that you know secret so that others can act on the information you provide.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

You are doing a lot of thinking about the future. Right now though, you may see more roadblocks than opportunities. But the fog will clear by the evening, and what seemed to be an impossible challenge, suddenly is transformed into an exciting opportunity.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

A friend or loved one could introduce you to a sexy someone who could be an increasingly important person in times to come, but you are a little gun-shy right now. You are afraid that history could repeat itself, that the people you care for may have their eye on your pocketbook.

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Daily horoscopes for Friday 2nd August, 2024


AriesMar 21 - Apr 19

Your energy is high, and you may come off as a little pushy or overly assertive at an important meeting right now. If you are trying to impress the high mucky mucks, take a clue from their attitude as to the level of energy you should put in your presentation.

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TaurusApr 20 - May 20

Listen to your intuition right now, but before you take action, run your thoughts past your "common sense filter". Are you being realistic about things? Indications are that you are being pushed to change your lifestyle too quickly in an unhealthy direction.

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GeminiMay 21 - Jun 20

The workload looks pretty brutal right now. You have responsibilities that are taking you away from the attention you need to pay to your love life. If you are single, you need more time out. If you are married, you need to spend more quality time with your partner.

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CancerJun 21 - Jul 22

You could be having problems with an upgrade or renovation to your home right now, especially if you are one of those "Do It Yourselfers". Now is not the time to be near any sharp or heavy implements or power tools. Leave that kind of thing to the experts.

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LeoJul 23 - Aug 22

You are looking at some big changes in your career. You may be given a position of responsibility that you do not quite feel ready for, dealing with other people's money or valuables. Just take things one day or one step at a time and you will adjust.

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VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22

You are planning for an entertaining outing when it dawns on you that you might have to go on your own. Whatever it is you feel like doing provokes groans or rolling eyes from your usual companions. So what's wrong with heading out alone? Have some fun.

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LibraSep 23 - Oct 22

You may find that you are the centre of a lot of attention right now. You are something of a sex object, but you don't mind! People find you attractive and irresistible. If you are single, you may have to pick from several ardent admirers right now.

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ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21

You could get into arguments with your significant other or the in-laws over your renovation plans. Your ideas are sound, but not everyone wants to go in the same direction. Take heart from knowing a delay could work in your favour. You may end up getting cheaper supplies or better help.

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SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21

You have a lot of chores or responsibilities on your plate right now. You may find that it is easier going if you ask a family member for help. You may be surprised to find that they are eager to help you out. Just be sure to keep the conversation light.

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CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19

Your intuition will be helpful in dealing with cranky, impatient, or overly-impulsive relatives right now. They bear more than a passing resemblance to a hive of angry bees right now, but whatever the problem is, it's likely not about you, and maybe you can help.

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AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18

It is a good idea to invest in travel insurance and to beef up on your defensive driving skills. The problem with travel planning is that you are so busy having fun that you don't pay as much attention as you should to the kind of mundane realities that can get in the way of a good time.

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PiscesFeb 19 - Mar 20

You may be called upon to take a leadership role in the workplace right now, but you are not really comfortable or happy with having to make some hard choices. There is a reason for the cliche "It's lonely at the top", and you are finding out exactly why that is.

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Astrological Traits: Zodiac Signs Meanings Explained

What does the zodiac say about you? The zodiac is a collection of constellations that tell movements of the sun and moon, as well as, other planets. There are twelve signs of the zodiac and they are based on the constellations that are considered to be especially important to us here on Earth.

Every culture around the world has a different way of interpreting the stars, but you'll be most familiar with the twelve zodiac signs used in the Western world.

No matter what your sign is, you will find that there is a specific pull in the universe that seems to get you to move towards a specific path in life, and that is because of your position with the Moon, the Sun, and the planets. Sometimes it will be a good day, and sometimes it will be a bad day, however, you can learn and grow with each day.

Below is a comical examination of the astrological traits of each of the star signs.

Monthly Numerology Forecasts

  • Aries: Astrological Traits

    March 17, 2016

    In astrology aries is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign.

  • Pisces: Astrological Traits

    February 19, 2016

    In astrology pisces is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Piscean are the wettest of all astrological breeds of human. They’re constantly drip drip dripping water from their soggy, piscean heads. No wonder pisceans are so stupid, no a...

  • Aquarius: Astrological Traits

    January 28, 2016

    In astrology aquarius is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Aquarians are playful and inquisitive, they are often seen enjoying themselves sliding around on muddy banks or in snow... Aquarians are one of the most resilient zodiacal signs,...

  • Capricorn: Astrological Traits

    December 03, 2015

    In astrology capricorn is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Capricorn is named after the Greek God Andy Miller, a family butcher from the North of England... Although its never been proved, some scientists believe that capricorns can as...

  • Sagittarius: Astrological Traits

    November 19, 2015

    In astrology sagittarius is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Sagittariumism is a condition which effect roughly 1 in 12 people. It can be cured with a sharp knock to the head or by amputation of the lower body... Sagittarians are very...

  • Scorpio: Astrological Traits

    October 15, 2015

    In astrology scorpio is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Scorpios are named after the strange mythical creature, the scorpion. Legend says these 40 foot long beasts had a poisons venom stinging tail, but no one knows if these terrifying...

  • Libra: Astrological Traits

    September 26, 2015

    In astrology libra is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Libra means milk and librans are milky, incredibly milky. In fact there connection to dairy doesn’t stop there. Librans are mostly live on a diet of cheese and butter. You put...

  • Virgo: Astrological Traits

    August 21, 2015

    In astrology leo is one the virgo sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Female virgos make the most attentive parents of all the zodiac signs, they construct nests made of vegetation and mud and they can lay over 50 eggs in a single season... Virgos are of...

  • Leo: Astrological Traits

    July 24, 2015

    In astrology leo is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Leos tend to be very mischievous, this is why they usually turn to hard crime later in life. Not all leos are thieves but they are all cheats and liars. This is why they normally to...

  • Cancer: Astrological Traits

    June 19, 2015

    In astrology cancer is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Cancerians are one of the most aggressive zodiac breeds, their ability to spit a poisonous venom is used to debilitate their pray while hunting... Most cancerians hibernate during...

  • Gemini: Astrological Traits

    May 21, 2015

    In astrology taurus is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Gemini is the Spanish word for twin and all geminis are in fact twins, I myself have a twin step brother called Lucy... Geminis are known for their keen sense of smell, their love...

  • Taurus: Astrological Traits

    April 23, 2015

    In astrology taurus is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign... Taurus means bull and it’s a fact that taureans get many of their traits from the bull. For example, they stink, they have mutant-like claws and they play a significant role in...