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Latest Paranormal News

Summoning Ritual
July 25, 2024

The Risks & Realities Of Conjuring Explained

Conjuring is a term often associated with the practice of calling upon or summoning supernatural entities, spirits, or otherworldly forces.


Must See

July 21, 2024

How Physical Mediumship Is Said To Connect Us with Spirits

Physical mediumship is a form of mediumship that involves direct physical interactions with spirits including moving objects, sounds, or manifestations.



Ghost Hunts View All

The Commandery, Worcester
June 02, 2024

Ghost Hunting At Worcester's Civil War Battle HQ

I spent a night on one of my most active ghost hunts ever at the Commandery, a former Royalist headquarters during the English Civil War in Worcester.

Ghost Hunting View All

July 12, 2024

Imps: The Mythical Tricksters Intriguing Paranormal Investigators

Imps are mischievous creatures often mentioned in folklore and paranormal tales, typically depicted as small, human-like beings known for causing trouble.

Daily Horoscopes


You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight right now that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad.... Read More