UK Haunted Locations Directory

The most complete interactive map of haunted buildings and paranormal hotspots throughout the UK. The maps shows multiple allegedly haunted places in every county and region of the British Isles. Move around and zoom in on the map to explore, then click any location for more information of the paranormal phenomenon and haunted history of that location.

The map also shows some of the UK's most widely accepted major ley lines, allowing you to check a haunted locations proximity to these lines.
If you chose to visit any of these properties, remember that while some are tourist attractions, many of the locations are private residential properties, businesses or are otherwise closed to the public. Please respect the current owners' privacy.

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Paranormal Case Files

Paranormal case files on some of the most famous haunted houses, recurring ghost sightings, and poltergeist cases in the world, including the latest research, photos, videos, and evidence.

The locations listed on this page are some of our favourite sites with tales of paranormal activity, the places that we write about the most and the hauntings you comment on and share the most.

Check out our featured hauntings below and click on location to read about its haunted history, appearances in movies and television shows, play quizzes, see photo and video evidence of the paranormal, and much more.

The list includes the famous Enfield Poltergeist case, which set the standard for many subsequent British hauntings, although it actually took place a decade after the case at 30 East Drive, Pontefract. Plus there's iconic haunted locations like the Ancient Ram Inn and Jamaica Inn.

Featured Hauntings

UK Haunted Locations By Region

  • East Midlands

    List of the haunted properties in the East Midlands, which contains some of the UK's most famously haunted castles, pubs and more than its fair share of haunted houses.

  • East Of England

    List of the most famous haunted buildings, landmarks and places in the East of England, including locations in Norwich, Colchester and King's Lynn.

  • Ireland

    A list of haunted locations in Ireland, including ancient castles, creepy pubs, haunted houses and just about any other type of building with a ghost story attached.

  • London

    The capital of England is a hotbed of history, some of it paranormal, when you take into account Greater London too, the region has a darker past than most places in the world.

  • North East Of England

    Although the cities of Sunderland and Newcastle-upon-Tyne dominate our list of haunted locations in the North East of England, the whole region has plenty of ghost stories to tell.

  • North West Of England

    The North West region of England seems to have a higher concentration of paranormal hotspots than most, with haunted properties to be found everywhere from Carlisle to Crewe.

  • Northern Ireland

    From Belfast to Derry, there's so much history in Northern Ireland that it's no surprise that so many buildings are haunted by the ghosts of their past.

  • Scotland

    Edinburgh is easily one of the most haunted cities in the UK and Glasgow's not far behind, so it's no surprise these two cities dominate our list of Scottish paranormal hotspots.

  • South East Of England

    The South East of England is home to many haunted locations including historic pubs and battlefields, and a village which was once said to be most haunted in England.

  • South West Of England

    A regularly updated list of the paranormal hotspots and haunted buildings that you'll find in the South West of England, a region steeped in more mystery than any other in the UK.

  • Wales

    A list of haunted location that can be found across Wales, including several medieval castles, ancient pubs and even woodland writhe with Welsh ghost stories.

  • West Midlands

    The West Midlands has plenty of stories to tell, not only does it contain Shakespeare country, but it also has some of England's most haunted prisons, castles and cemeteries.

  • Yorkshire And The Humber

    The northern region of England known as Yorkshire and the Humber is the place where you'll find one of the most famous haunted houses in the world as well as many other paranormal hotspots.

Something Missing?

If you or your team have investigated a haunted location that we don't have on our map and would like it included, then please get in touch below giving as much detail as possible. We will be happy to credit your team and mention your investigation on the location's page.

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Daily Horoscopes


Open your wallet, take out your credit cards. Place the credit cards in a secure location. Okay, now you can leave the house. Today you will be extremely prone to spend for emotional rather than practical reasons, especially if you... Read More