Aries: Astrological Traits

March 17, 2016 11:43 PM


In astrology aries is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign.

At an early age, arians are fitted with an elaborate reflective shielding system which stops rogue cats from entering their fragile bodies. The cats are filtered into a special storage vessel and are later shipped to China for processing.

Arians are known for their upper body strength, their ability to hover and for having excellent night vision, even in total darkness.

Aries have to be careful not to come in to contact with lemons. The acidic juices of lemon makes their skin go instantly transparent, revealing all of their inner workings. The effect is only temporary but can be disconcerting.


Daily Horoscopes


You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight right now that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad.... Read More