Survey Reveals 68% Of UFO Believers Think Government Withholds Significant Information
UFO & Alien Visitation Beliefs Survey
Do you believe in the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)?
Yes, UFOs exist and are likely extraterrestrial 70%
Yes, but they are mostly explainable by natural or human-made phenomena 22%
I'm not sure whether UFOs exist 3%
No, I do not believe UFOs exist 5%
Have you ever personally witnessed what you believe was a UFO?
Yes, and I am convinced it was of extraterrestrial origin 27%
Yes, but I am unsure of its origin 32%
No, but I know someone who has 5%
No, I have never witnessed a UFO 35%
How credible do you find the accounts of UFO sightings reported in the media?
Very credible 14%
Somewhat credible 62%
Not very credible 19%
Not credible at all 5%
What is your opinion on government disclosure regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial life?
Transparent about their knowledge 3%
Only some information is disclosed 26%
Significant information is withheld 66%
I'm not sure 6%
Do you think that aliens have visited Earth?
Yes, and interacted with humans 61%
Yes, but not made any contact 17%
I'm unsure if aliens have visited Earth 11%
No, I do not believe aliens have visited Earth 11%
In your opinion, how should society react if conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life is found?
With open acceptance and attempts to communicate 31%
With caution and extensive scientific research 47%
With skepticism and a defensive stance 8%
I am unsure of how we should react 14%
How often do you engage with content (books, articles, shows, etc) about UFOs and alien life?
Very often 36%
Occasionally 56%
Rarely 6%
Never 3%
Which of the following best describes your interest in UFO and alien visitation theories?
Deeply interested and actively researching 31%
Moderately interested and occasionally follow updates 53%
Mildly curious but not actively engaged 14%
Not interested 3%
What is your opinion on the 2023 US government congressional hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs)?
Informative and shed significant light on UAPs 6%
Provided some useful information but left questions unanswered 51%
Were not very helpful and lacked substantial information 23%
I am not aware or have not followed the hearings 20%
How do you interpret the testimonies of the three military whistleblowers regarding their experiences with UAPs?
Credible and accurate, indicating extraterrestrial activity 40%
Credible, but probably not extraterrestrial in nature 23%
They could be mistaken or misrepresenting their experiences 11%
Not truthful and inaccurate 0%
I am not familiar with the testimonies 26%
Further Reading
Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.
Alone At The Inn
The full account of a solo paranormal investigation at the Ancient Ram Inn, tied to a documentary film.
Buy NowInvestigating The Unexplained
Practical advice on conducting paranormal investigations and uncovering the unexplained.
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