Ghosts & Science: Debunking The Paranormal With Scientific Principles

By Matt Scofield
May 09, 2023 1:00 AM ‐ ScienceParanormal

This article is more than one year old.

Ghost Science
A good scientist acknowledges that our current knowledge of the universe and how it works isn't necessarily complete. However, this does not mean we know nothing about the world around us. Scientific methods and principles provide a framework for understanding the natural world and its phenomena. One such phenomenon, which has been a topic of debate and fascination for centuries, is the existence of ghosts.

Science relies on measurable and repeatable observations, but one of the biggest problems when considering the existence of ghosts is their inconsistencies. Ghosts are often described as entities that can pass through solid material, selectively appear invisible, and influence the material world in very specific ways.

For example, ghosts are said to interfere electromagnetically with recording devices and suddenly materialise in specific locations. However, these descriptions seem to contradict the known laws of physics. In fact, ghosts appear to obey these laws at times and violate them at others, for example they can walk through a wall one moment but knock on a solid surface the next.

From microscopes to the experiments at CERN, our ability to observe and measure the natural world has improved significantly in the age of science. Devices can now detect single photons of light, which are extremely tiny particles. Despite these advancements, ghosts, which are said to occasionally utilise electromagnetism, have evaded any form of repeatable detection. This lack of scientific evidence raises questions about their existence and suggests that the phenomenon of ghosts may be the result of human perception and cultural beliefs rather than actual entities.

To accept the existence of ghosts as they are traditionally described would require a complete overhaul of the current laws of science. This would involve redefining our understanding of energy, matter, and the fundamental principles that govern our world. Given the extensive empirical evidence supporting these laws and the absence of credible scientific evidence for the existence of ghosts, it seems unlikely that such a radical shift is on the cards.

Instead of rewriting the laws of science, we should continue to examine paranormal phenomena through the lens of scientific inquiry and seek to better understand why people experience these phenomena.

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