Drunk Time Traveller Tried To Warn Earth's Population Of A Coming Alien Invasion

October 10, 2017
This page is more than seven years old.
A man was arrested in the US state of in Wyoming this week after reports of drunk and disorderly behaviour were made by the public. But when the man was questioned by police, he claimed to have an out-of-this-world alibi for his inebriated state.

In the week when a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute told us that we are just "decades away from confirming the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life," the drunk man told us that we are in fact just a year away from meeting interstellar colonists.

After being arrested in the town of Casper, which is situated about 150 miles northwest of Cheyenne, the drunk told police that he'd been sent back in time to warn us about an impending alien invasion.

The man, who claimed to have been sent back from the year 2048, said that aliens filled his body with alcohol as part of the time travel process. By the sounds of it, the aliens may have had a few sips themselves as the "time traveller" claimed he wasn't supposed to have be sent back to this year and was expecting to appear in 2018, the year of the invasion.

According to police, the man was desperate to warn resident of Casper to evacuate the town before the alien invasion fleet arrive next year, he also asked to speak to the town's president in order to get this important message to him.


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