Higgypop Reaches 50,000 YouTube Subscribers

By Steve Higgins
June 25, 2017 4:01 PM

This article is more than seven years old.

50,000 Subscribers
Something amazing happened today and I got to celebrate in the sunshine with a glass of champagne, after working consistently on my YouTube channel for over three years, I've watched my channel slow grow to surpass 50,000 subscribers.

Getting to 1,000 was the hardest part, once I hit the thousand mark my channel then snowballed and 10k came pretty quickly but the journey to 50k seems to have taken forever. Now I'm there that puts me halfway towards getting a YouTube silver play button.

In case you're not aware, YouTube send out framed silver, gold and platinum play buttons for hitting certain milestones. As YouTube don't hand out any official awards for 50k and I'm feeling quite please of my achievement, I thought I'd treat myself to a little reward and found an eBay seller who makes (sort of replica) play buttons. Obviously I'm not worthy of a silver button yet, so I got one in red.
Champagne In The Sun

I was camping when my subscriber count finally ticked over to 50,000 but I knew the days was close so before my week off I'd pre-made some content to celebrate, this included the video below and a giveaway on my YouTube channel.

To celebrate hitting this milestone I'm giving one lucky subscriber the chance to win an exclusive Higgypop potion set, it includes a a 15cm plastic cauldron, an official Higgypop mug and a hand-carved wooden wand as well as a couple of other bits.
I'm really pleased to have surpassed the 50k subscriber mark, I'm so honoured to have that many people following my work on YouTube. On the scale of things I'm just a tiny channel but when I first started casually making videos and uploading them to YouTube when the site was in its infancy, the top channel on the site had 40,000 subscribers.

Daily Horoscopes


You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight right now that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad.... Read More