The Jolly Sailor - Haunted History

The Jolly Sailor, Sunderland

Sunderland, Tyne and Wear

This historic village pub in Whitburn is said to be one of the most haunted in the region, with paranormal activity that includes the ghost of a nurse called Rachael and the ghost of a man who died in the pub of natural causes. There's also said to be the spirit of a young girl who was rejected by her would-be suitor, a visiting coachman. The flash of her green dress that she brought to impress the coachman has been witnessed in the corridors in the upper floor of the building.

The Jolly Sailor Map


Daily Horoscopes


There may be more money coming in, but it is likely to go back out as quickly right now. You are being asked to wait for financial payment, and this could turn out to have been for the best in... Read More