Bill Spectre's Ghost Trails

March 11, 2017 11:30 PM ‐ ParanormalGhosts

This article is more than seven years old and was last updated in July 2018.

On Friday and Saturday evenings, Bill Spectre cordially invites you to join him on a ghostly walking tour of Oxford. Bill will entertain and horrify you as he guides you through the streets of the historic city.

Bill Spectre's Ghost Trails Of Oxford Review
Bill promises an evening of fun, fear and laughter and that's exactly what he delivered tonight as he took us to several locations around the city and told us of their a gruesome past.

I've been on a few guided ghost walks around the UK in the past but Bill's tour of the streets of Oxford and some of the city's most haunted locations was next level and put the others to shame.

Not only did Bill look the part, dressed as a Victorian undertaker in a distinctive black top hat and black robes, he also gives a fascinating and entertaining tour of one of the UK's most famous university towns.

However, it's not Bill's faultless knowledge of the city's history that makes this ghost tour so good, it's his theatrical delivery - the perfect blend of storytelling, performance and comedy.

It's easy to see why Trip Advisor have listed Bill's tour as not only one of the best ghost tours in the UK, but in the world! The roughly 500 positive reviews on the site are also testament to Bill's engaging and entertaining performance.

I won't give you any spoilers but Bill's sense of humour had our group laughing out loud ...and occasionally groaning too. There were moments of audience participation and even the inclusion of props, pyrotechnics and illusions.

Bill set the mood as he blasts out his ghost stories in an old English accent in the cold, dark streets and alleyways around Oxford. He also dipped into regional accents to reenact moving accounts of hauntings from historic witnesses, making his terrifying tales all the more creepy.

It's Bill's training as an actor at The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow, and his experience on stage that gives him the versatility to make his Oxford ghost walk so much more entertaining than any other out there.

Join Bill Spectre For A Ghostly Tour Of Oxford

Bill Spectre guides his guests around Oxford every Friday and Saturday evening no matter what the weather is doing.

For the brave, the 1 hour 45 minute tour starts outside Oxford Castle's gift shop but the more cowardly or less energetic can pick up the tour twenty minutes later at the Tourist Information Centre on Broad Street. There's no need to book, just show up and pay on the evening.

But a warning! There is an evil, malevolent sign outside the gates of Trinity College advertising a ghost walk. This sign has nothing to do with Bill Spectre's Ghost Trail, despite the fact the sign has been placed not too far from the start of Bill's tour, a tactic that I'm sure has been employed to try to temp away some of Bill's customers. It almost had us fooled, hence this warning, so be sure to check Bill's official website for the genuine information.

» For more information, current prices and times visit


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