Something Thrown At Us? Gresley Old Hall Derbyshire

November 11, 2021 5:51 PM

About This Video

This video was uploaded to the YouTube channel Paranormal Hauntings in November 2021.

A clip from our static camera while conducting a vigil at Gresley Old Hall in Derbyshire. At the time we thought it may have been a fly dropping dead as we heard the bang however after reviewing this footage I'm now considering that something could have been thrown at us as it appears from mid air and you can hear the very loud bang as if its a object.

About Paranormal Hauntings

The Paranormal Hauntings YouTube channel compliments the popular Facebook page, run by paranormal investigator Charlene Lowe Kemp. In their videos you can expect Charlene and the team to be 'creepin it real' in the paranormal field.

With a promise of no click bait posts and no over-the-top dramatics, just honest investigators bringing you evidence they believe could be paranormal and trying to shed some light on some of the most popular theories in the paranormal world.

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