Win a Family Pass To Scotland's Secret Bunker

May 26, 2014 6:52 PM ‐ UndergroundUrbEx

This article is more than ten years old and was last updated in July 2017.

Scotland's Secret Bunker
With summer and the school holidays fast approaching, the race is on to find fun activities to keep the little ones amused. That's why we've teamed up with Scotland's Secret Bunker to help out.

We're giving away a family pass to the former classified regional government hideout. Find out more about the bunker by clicking here or visit the official Scotland Secret Bunker website.

Sorry, this competition is now closed for entries.

Competition Rules

By entering this competition you are agreeing to our privacy policy, including the 'use of personal data' clause, and our website terms of use which includes 'competitions and giveaways' terms.

For your chance to win, answer the question below before midnight on 30th June 2014.

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