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11 Results Found For 'dreams'.

  • How Dreams Reflect Our Innermost Desires & Fears

    April 26, 2023

    Dreams, those elusive, intangible phantoms that visit us each night, carry with them glimpses of our deepest desires and darkest fears.

  • Haunted House Of Spirits: Our Night Of Paranormal Activity

    April 07, 2023

    In Oberlin, Ohio sits a house filled with hauntings, spirits, and paranormal activity! A few years ago, renowned psychic medium Michelle Belanger bought this house and opened it as a haunted Airbnb called "The Inspiration House", for both accommodations and paranormal research. Built in 1870, this house has seen so many things. In the last 153 years, many residents have passed away within the home, and some believe they never left. Guests of "The Inspiration House" report an extreme amount of paranormal activity from voices to shadows, footsteps to poltergeist activity, and even dreams that they believed were influenced by the spirits within the house. But could it be "The Inspiration House" is haunted by more than just former residents? Some investigators believe a different entity my also wait within it's walls for guests to show up. Who or what is it? That's what we hope to find out! On this investigation we booked "The Inspiration House" for a full night, to see what haunting phenomena presents itself when we turn on the cameras. Strap in, because this night of paranormal activity blew us away! We asked for the ghosts to show themselves... And they delivered!

  • Dreams About Black Magic: Meaning & Interpretation

    November 30, 2022

    You are skilled at deceiving others if you frequently dream about performing magic tricks publicly. Who or what kind of magic is keeping an eye on you in your dream?

  • "My Dreams Were Haunted By A Victorian Couple Dressed In Black"

    June 01, 2022

    The creepy true story of a young boy who felt like he was being haunted in his dreams by a tall, creepy Victorian man and woman wearing black clothing.

  • The Psychic Who Predicted The Deadliest Plane Crash In US History

    January 15, 2022

    In this episode, we meet people who can predict the future. First, we investigate the case of an Ohio man whose dreams predicted a horrible plane crash. Then, the premonitions of a boy saved his family from the deadly volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helens. Finally, we meet at a California man who was able to foresee the Hurricane Katrina disaster with uncanny accuracy.

  • This Terrified Doctor Can Predict Death

    September 28, 2021

    Dr. Tim Goodman never gave the subject of dreams much thought. His energy was devoted to the waking nightmare of his first-year residency. That is until Tim had a premonition of a patient dying on the operating table that came true. Can Dr. Goodman stop these patients from flatlining before it's too late?

  • Can The Brain Create New Faces In Dreams Or Are They The Visions Of Ghosts?

    August 14, 2020

    Is there any truth in the claim that the human brain can't create unique people that the waking brain has never seen before and are the paranormal experts right about the faces being those of ghosts?

  • Can Spirits Visit Us In Dreams?

    March 29, 2020

    Throughout history, many people have believed that the spirit world can influence our dreams while we sleep? Could this be true? What does the field of psychology think about this?

  • On Dreams, Genetic Memory, And Fear

    July 19, 2019

    In this video we discuss Dreams and Genetic Memory, and briefly go into 'Why do we fear?' With a recent dream, discussed in the video. I found myself looking into the concept of genetic memory. How much of an impact is has had over our thoughts, fears and dreams.

  • Barry Chuckle Visits Paul From The Afterlife In His Dreams

    March 23, 2019

    Kids' TV presenter Paul Chuckle says that his late brother and comedy sidekick, Barry, has been visiting him in his dreams, he believes this is proof of an afterlife.

  • The Hills Alien Abduction And Hypnosis Sessions

    February 27, 2019

    The tale of Barney and Betty Hill and their story on alien abduction in 1961. Followed by the hills Hypnosis sessions, Betty Hill Dreams and their experience with Simon.