Gareth Bellamy

66 posts

Sent back in time from the future to warn mankind of the error of their ways. Living with a 'wife', and three kids who claim they're mine.

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Recent Posts By Gareth Bellamy

  • Stranger Things Music
    October 28, 2017

    The Music From Stranger Things Season 2

    The full list of songs used in the second season of the Netflix smash Stranger Things, listen to all the music with this Spotify playlist.

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  • Enfield Poltergeist Hodgson Family
    August 07, 2017

    Once Upon A Time In Enfield

    Whether you believe the Enfield Poltergeist was evidence of a real haunting or not, there's no doubt that the story had an enormous impact at the time. After all, the media relies on public interest to sustain a story. The Enfield Poltergeist was widely covered in newspapers, books, radio and TV at the time and continues to fascinate. So how could this seemingly simple haunting have had such a large impact over such a timespan?

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  • Skulls Horror Death
    July 12, 2017

    Weirdest Death Traditions From Around The World

    Death, perhaps more than any other event in our circle of life, has plenty of strange and bizarre rituals associated with it. It's no surprise, all religions see it as a gateway of some form, leaving the realm of the living to that of the dead. Whether you treat the dead body as a temple, or you couldn't give a toss, there are a whole load of frankly stomach churning rituals associated with kicking the bucket.

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  • D B Cooper
    July 11, 2017

    The World's Most Mysterious People & Their Unsolved Legacies

    Every now and then someone appears in the world who seems out of place. No, we're not talking about Noel Edmonds. Here are three great examples of people whose existence has never been fully explained.

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  • Walk Under A Ladder
    June 02, 2017

    When Superstitions Are True

    Even if we don't believe superstitions change our life, many of us can't help but play along with them to some degree. Maybe avoiding treading on the cracks in the pavement, or believing a black cat brings you good luck, or bad luck, depending on where you are in the world. Well, there are several superstitions you may well be advised to pay attention to.

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  • Mass Hysteria
    February 12, 2017

    6 Strangest Mysteries That Science Can't Explain

    Whatever your view of the world, even the most diehard rationalist admits there are things that science simply can't explain. Perhaps our understanding hasn't advanced that far yet and science will one day provide an answer... or are these mysteries destined to never receive an answer from the world of science? We've rounded up some of the biggest mysteries that nobody has yet found an answer for.

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Daily Horoscopes


You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight right now that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad.... Read More