Secret Bunkers Are Coming To Higgypop

By Steve Higgins
July 16, 2017 9:49 AM ‐ UndergroundUrbEx

This article is more than seven years old.

Burlington Bunker
Photo: © Crown Copyright
After 15 years, my underground and urban exploration website is closing its doors. As of mid-July 2017 all the website's pages, resources and photographs will be moved and incorporated into this website, Higgypop along with the addition of new photographs, maps and documents.

The reason for this move is that Nettleden is a very niche website and it reached saturation in terms of visitors years ago and has been steadily ticking over with about 20,000 users a month. It's a lot smaller than some of my other projects, including Higgypop and therefore Nettleden hasn't been getting the love and attention it deserves.

Nettleden badly needed a revamp, as it wasn't mobile friendly, the content management system is dated and elements of the site needed an upgrade to meet modern security standards. By moving Nettleden on to a new dedicated section of Higgypop, the content instantly gets the upgrade it needed.

I already post articles and content relating to secret underground bunkers and urban exploration on this website and this existing content has been worked in to the new underground section of the website to help Nettleden's existing content thrive in its new home.

Any links or bookmarks to Nettleden pages will automatically re-direct to the new URL on this website, nothing will be lost in the process of the move, including all user contributed content and photos.

This isn't a decision I've made lightly, Nettleden has been a website I've been passionate about since 2002 but I'm sure that this move will give the content of Nettleden a new lease of life and the love and attention it deserves.

Thanks for your continued interest in Nettleden, I hope you will continue to support it in its new home.

Nettleden's new pages can be found here
© Crown Copyright Notice: This page includes images reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

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