How To Make A Sound-Trap With GhostArk

January 23, 2016 1:30 AM ‐ ParanormalGhost Hunting

This article is more than eight years old and was last updated in September 2020.

It's one of the most anticipated pieces of kit by ghost hunters around the world and now as GhostArk nears its long awaited shipping date, the company behind it release a new tutorial video.

WE CONFIRM SHIPPING BY 30TH JANUARY 2016! In the meantime you can have a look at our last video tutorial of the LOOPS function, or rather "How to make a SOUND-TRAP".

Posted by GhostArk on Friday, 22 January 2016
"We confirm shipping by 30th January 2016! In the meantime you can have a look at our latest video tutorial of the 'loops' function, or rather 'how to make a sound-trap.'"
The latest video was posted to Facebook with just seven days to go before GhostArk have said they'l be shipping out the device.

Along with the video, the team behind the product reassured those who had pre-ordered GhostArk that pre-orders will be shipped by January 30th 2016.

But, in the meantime gave us a first glimpse at their latest tutorial video of the audio looping function which can be used to make what ghost hunters call, a "sound trap."

The original design for GhostArk including two built-in 0.8 watt speakers, allowing you to playback recordings straight from the device.

Sadly, this feature was later dropped and instead the device comes with a 3 watt external speaker and an additional cable to fix the it to your waist so the device can still be used hands-free.

Order Now

You can order your GhostArk now direct from starting with the basic package at $249.

For more serious investigators may wish to opt for the hunter pack at $311. This professional option will give you double the internal flash memory, giving you a total of 16GB. An external antenna which can be plugged into the 3.5mm jack port, to increase the reception of FM signals and earphones with a high dynamic range enabling you to listen to recordings from 5Hz to 20kHz.

GhostArk will be shipped worldwide by tracked courier. Before confirming the payment, before to check the shipping and handling costs, which are calculated based on your location.

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