The 10 Most Haunted Cemeteries In The UK

July 14, 2018 6:00 AM ‐ ParanormalGhostsTop Haunted Locations Lists

This article is more than six years old and was last updated in February 2020.

Even in daylight graveyards can be terrifying places, in the dead of night cemeteries get even scarier, so it's no surprise so many have reported ghosts amongst the graves. Below are the ten creepiest churchyards and scariest cemeteries, those with the reputation of being the must haunted in the country.

10. West Norwood Cemetery Catacombs, London


By far the creepiest cemetery on our list, probably thanks to the eerie catacombs which lie beneath it. The catacombs date back to 1837 and were built as a final resting place for London's dead in Victorian times. As if dank, dark tunnels aren't creepy enough, these are fill with lead-lined coffins and ghosts of the past.

9. All Saints Church, Patcham


All Saints Church has a couple of notable spirits, those of Sir Charles Thomas Stanford and Lady Ellen Stanford.

One of the oldest recorded hauntings took place in 1956 when two local boys were ghost hunting in the graveyard, when they saw a dark hooded figure amongst the grave stones.

In the 1970s during a midnight mass on Christmas Eve, some of the congregation noticed a pale, sick-looking woman in one of the pews. She was so ill that someone approached her to offer help, but as they did she disappeared into thin air right in front of their eyes.

Others have reported seeing an apparition emerging from the south side of the building before disappearing somewhere in the churchyard. And passers-by claimed to have seen two women in medieval clothing pass through the tombs on the west side of the churchyard.

8. St. Dunstan's Church, Sutton


The first church on our list dates back to 1864 but there has been a church on the site from Saxon times. Visitors have reported seeing a ghostly apparition in the church. It's believed he is a former priest of the church who died at the altar.

Another of the church's resident spooks has been seen in the churchyard and is the spirit of a young girl. It's thought that she fell to her death down a well that was once in the grounds of the church. Her ghost has been been seen walking through the old caretaker's shed.

Others have reported a dark and oppressive, negative energy at the bottom of the churchyard.

7. St. Nicholas Church, Pluckley


It's no surprise that St. Nicholas Church has a few ghost stories associated to it, as it's situated in Pluckley, which is said to be the most haunted village in the UK.

Locals have reported seeing lights coming from the church's windows late at night when no one is there. The ghost of a local miller is also said to haunt the churchyard in search of a lost love.

There's also the spirits of Lady Dering and the Lady in Red, a ghost who searches the churchyard for her lost baby.

6. Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh

Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh


Located in Old Town, Greyfriars Krikyard was first designated as a graveyard in 1562, and is the final resting place of many of the city's most notable former residents. Since 1998 there have been hundreds of reports of paranormal activity occurring in the graveyard, most of which revolves around the tomb of Sir George Mackenzie, a barrister who was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Covenanters in the 17th century.

It started after a homeless man broke into Mckenzie's large, black mausoleum in the graveyard one cold night to find shelter. Ever since there has been reports of poltergeist activity by visitors passing by the mausoleum. They claim to have been pushed, scratched and even cut.

The graveyard's other famous resident ghost is that of a dog named Bobby. It's said that the loyal pooch guarded over his owner's grave for several years after his owner's death. When the dog eventually died he was buried in an unconsecrated part of the cemetery. Ever since Bobby has been seen and heard still guarding his master's grave.

5. Thundridge Church, Ware


Also known as Cold Christmas Church, after a nearby lane, the building dates back to 1086 and has been the scene of several ghost sightings, the most famous of which occurred in 1978. It wasn't just one ghost that a local woman saw, but an army of ghosts marching out of the church.

The church has a reported history of witchcraft and, as recently as 2009, many have witnessed a ghostly growl coming from the bell tower. Others have seen a mysterious dark figure in a black robe moving silently between the graves in the churchyard.

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4. Glasgow Necropolis, Glasgow


Glasgow is a city which is well known for its haunted locations, so it's no surprise that one of the city's cemetery on this list. Officially opened in 1840, there are around 250,000 people buried in the Necropolis, very few have gravestones, even fewer have names.

In the 1950s the cemetery made the news when a police man found a group of local children who had been roaming the cemetery for several nights armed with sharpened sticks and knives. The kids were hunting a vampire. He was said to be seven foot tall with metal teeth and had been blamed for the disappearance of two local children.

3. Arnos Vale Cemetery, Bristol

Arnos Vale Cemetery


The first burial took place at Arnos Vale Cemetery in 1839, it's a Grade II listed site of special historic interest.

The cemetery is haunted by two female ghosts and many people who visit the grounds have reported feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness.

One of the women is reported to be a black female figure who is often spotted crying over the death of her husband who was killed in the First World War.

The other apparition seen at the cemetery, is seen crying and panicked after she was supposedly buried alive there.

2. Highgate Cemetery, London

Highgate Cemetery, London


One of London's biggest cemeteries and a location which is said to have hosted occult rituals, witnessed witchcraft and secret meetings of Satanic cults. The site, which is designated Grade I on the list of English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, is also said to be home to a vampire and has countless ghost stories associated with it.

The apparitions spotted at the cemetery and the adjoining Swains Lane, include a shadowy figure in a tall hat, the ghost of a cyclist seen working his way up a steep incline, and a woman in white. In a letter in the local newspaper, the Highgate Express & Hampstead, one witness said that his car broke down near the cemetery and he saw a hideous face peering through the bars of the cemetery's gate.

Others have reported bells ringing and voices calling from within the cemetery at night, and it's no surprise considering that more than 170,000 of London's dead are buried here.

1. St. James Cemetery, Liverpool


St. James's Cemetery, situated behind Liverpool Cathedral, is said to be one of the most haunted locations in Liverpool. The Grade I Historic Park and urban burial site dates back to 1936 and has made the news in recent years after reports of ghostly sightings.

A video was recently posted on Facebook which appears to show a silvery white figure on a path running through the gardens. The ghostly figure seems to appear and disappear.

Others have seen the ghost of MP William Huskisson leaving his grand mausoleum where he was laid to rest in 1830, after he was run over by George Stephenson's Rocket locomotive. There's also said to be a woman in black who's been seen gliding towards a tomb that was ransacked by grave-robbers in the 1970s.
This is an ever changing, dynamically updated page. Haunted locations may move up or down the list as new locations are added to our database and scores are reviewed to reflect new activity.

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