Danny Robins: Latest News & Gossip On The 'Uncanny' Podcast Host

Danny Robins - Uncanny
Danny Robins is a journalist and award-winning writer and broadcaster for television and radio. His interest in the paranormal lead him to host the 'Haunted' podcast which saw him delve into real-life ghost stories in forensic detail, this spawn the viral 2021 podcast, 'The Battersea Poltergeist'.

The cold-case style paranormal podcast made Danny a huge success and result in a new podcast series, 'Uncanny', which was followed in 2022 by 'The Witch Farm'.
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Daily Horoscopes


You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight right now that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad.... Read More