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12 Results Found For 'fife'.

  • Scottish Witch Trials: The Dreel Graveyard

    August 06, 2020

    We move up the Fife coast of Scotland to Anstruther as we continue our gathering of data in search of the Scottish Witch Trials, and the connection to The Dreel Graveyard and it's stunning hall. Some will remember previous amazing captures from this area.

  • Scottish Witch Trials: Pittenweem Paranormal Session

    July 31, 2020

    We add to our Scottish Witch Trials research and investigations by visiting Pittenweem, In Fife, Scotland. Would we communicate with the victims of the Witch Trials in this stunning east coast fishing village?

  • Spooky Isles: Haunted Isle Of May

    May 14, 2020

    Today's ghost story comes from the Spooky Isles that sit within the Firth Of Forth between Edinburgh & Fife, and in particular, the Haunted Isle Of May. We look at some of the history, the mysteries and end with the rumored ghost story from on the island. Includes an audio capture from named Church associated with the Island.

  • Balgonie Castle

    An hour from Edinburugh, in Glenrothes, Fife, is the 700 year old former stronghold.

  • University Of St Andrews

    The oldest of the four ancient universities of Scotland is said to be haunted by several ghosts, including the spirit of a monk, a piper and ever a ghost ship.

  • Anstruther ROTOR

    April 17, 2013

    One of the UK's biggest and most secret bunkers was hidden in the small Scottish town of Anstruther, near Troywood in Fife. Like Kelvedon Hatch, this regional government hideout was hidden beneath an innocent-looking Scottish farmhouse.

  • Spooked Scots - A Tale Of Mystery

    June 06, 2023

    Experience the mysterious and captivating charm of Scotland's eerie secrets in our "Spooked Scots" online video series. Accompany us on a spine-tingling adventure through historic castles, ghostly landscapes, and paranormal sightings that will give you goosebumps. Discover the fascinating folklore, inexplicable occurrences, and ghostly stories that have intrigued people for generations. Uncover the secrets of Scotland's haunted history as we delve into the obscure corners and concealed legends that truly make this land haunted.

  • Haunted Lincluden Church | Haunted Scotland

    March 24, 2023

    Lincluden Church, also known as both Lincluden Priory & Lincluden Abbey, is a ruined scheduled monument situated north of Dumfries.

  • 10 Fascinating Underground Places In The UK That You Can Actually Visit

    November 15, 2022

    All across the UK there are a selection of historic bunkers and underground spaces that have been opened up to the public as museums and tourist attractions.

  • 'Spooked Scotland': Culross Palace & Town

    June 24, 2022

    In this week's 'Spooked Scotland' Gail Porter takes her team to Culross as they attempt to contact the tortured souls of those wrongfully accused of witchcraft in the town.

  • 10 Best Underground Day Trips

    December 22, 2018

    Ten incredible tourist attractions that you should visit if you're interested in wartime bunkers, caves and other manmade and man-used underground places.

  • Help! My House Is Haunted: Balgonie Castle

    September 22, 2018

    The team head back to Scotland to investigate another haunted castle, one which is home to a spectre nicknamed "Green Jeanie", as well as the ghosts of a 17th-century soldier, a dog and a hooded man.

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Relatives and loved ones with health challenges could require time and attention right now. There is a wonderful opportunity for you to find a new or alternative way to help them live healthier and more productive lives. Reach out and... Read More