The Flask - Haunted History

The Flask, Highgate

London, London

The Flask is one of London's oldest pubs and has plenty of stories to tell. It's said to be one of Dick Turpin's hideouts. He's supposed to have evaded capture by hiding in the inn's stables, but isn't actually said to haunt the pub. Regular paranormal activity here includes sudden and unexplained drops in temperature, swinging lights and moving glasses.

The pub is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a Spanish barmaid, who allegedly hanged herself in the inn's basement after being rejected by the pub's landlord at the time. She's been blamed for moving glasses and blowing on customers' necks.

There's also the ghost of a man seen wearing a Cavalier's uniform, most often seen crossing the bar area before disappearing into a pillar.

The Flask Map


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Your family circle is looking a little "loopy" right now. Someone has fallen off the wagon, or is going through emotional challenges that you don't understand. There is likely to be more gossip right now, and it is more important... Read More