The A229 - Haunted History

A229, Kent

Blue Bell Hill, Kent

The A229 runs through Kent along the path of a former Roman road. Three motorists were killed at Blue Bell Hill on the A229 in 1965 and ever since there have been reports of ghosts who match the description of those involved in the accident. The ghost of a lone female dressed in white has been seen on the road near the Lower Bell pub, it claimed that she has been picked up on many occasions, only to vanish from the car during the journey. Some of the stories involve a purse or bag being all that remains in the car after the woman vanished.

In 1974, a local bricklayer, Maurice Goodenough turned himself into the local police station after hitting a young girl on the road with his car. He told Rochester Police that he had left her at the roadside wrapped in a blanket, but when officers returned to the scene, the girl had disappeared, and despite an extensive search of the area, the girl was never found.

There are also stories of drivers passing straight through female apparitions on the road without any injury or damage to the vehicle.

The A229 Map


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You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight right now that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad.... Read More