Armley Mills - Haunted History

Armley Mills, Leeds

Leeds, West Yorkshire

Armley Mills is said to house Victorian ghosts and poltergeist activity, as well as disembodied voice and dark shadows. One of the building's resident spooks is a tall Victorian gentlemen who's been seen many times wearing a top hat and using a cane. He's said to walk the floors of the mill in the dead of night.

In a part of the mill which is now known as the cinema room, two spirits are said to roam. One is an original ghost of Armley, whereas the other has come with the fixtures and fittings of the cinema. One of the apparitions is said to be sinister. People have reported seeing seats move all on their own.

As the mill's workforce was made up of children as young as six, there were many accidents and deaths amongst the machinery were common in the mill's heyday. As a result, the ghosts of children have been witnessed around the old machinery.

Haunted Ranking

Armley Mills Map


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