Bannockburn House

Bannockburn House

Stirling, Stirlingshire

The 400-year-old Bannockburn House stands close to the killing battlefield where Scotland's king Robert the Bruce slaughter the English invaders. There are said to be reports of paranormal activity in every room, including disembodied screams on the upper floors, doors slamming in the dead of night, and the apparition of of a young woman has been witnessed throughout the house.

There's also stories of angry spirits who preys on women in the royal bedroom, the ghosts of long-dead soldiers have been spotted marching through the grounds, and even the spirit of Bonnie Prince Charlie is said to roam the rooms and corridors.

Haunted Ranking

Bannockburn House Map

Daily Horoscopes


You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight right now that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad.... Read More