Pendle Hill - Haunted History

Pendle Hill

Burnley, Lancashire

Pendle Hill is famous for its history of witchcraft, murder and execution. In 1612, 12 people were accused of a spate of local murders and witchcraft was said to be involved in the killing. The twelve witches lived in the area surrounding Pendle Hill and were charged with the murders of ten people

One of the accused died in prison, the other 11, nine women and two men, were tried for witchcraft and ten were found guilty and hanged. The trials are some of the most famous and best recorded witch trials in British history.

The location was the sight of one of Most Haunted's most memorable investigations to date. Yvette Fielding took her team to Pendle Hill for a live show which was broadcast over halloween 2004. During the broadcast the team were investigating the farmhouse, which is said to be haunted by the ghost of the witches, several team members said they felt like they were being chocked and one-by-one left the location.

Pendle Hill Map

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