Wilderhope Manor - Haunted History

Church Stretton, Shropshire

Shrewsbury, Shropshire

In the grounds of Wilderhope Manor in Church Stretton the ghost of a Civil War major has reportedly been seen riding away from his former home on his horse. Royalist, Major Thomas Smallman once lived in the manor when it was besieged by Roundheads in the latter stages of the Civil War, but he managed to escape on horseback.

Wilderhope Manor itself is also said to be haunted by Smallman and the spirit of a young girl, who smiles at unsuspecting visitors before letting out a terrifying scream.

Wilderhope Manor Map


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Open your wallet, take out your credit cards. Place the credit cards in a secure location. Okay, now you can leave the house. Today you will be extremely prone to spend for emotional rather than practical reasons, especially if you... Read More