Heathrow Airport - Haunted History

Heathrow Airport

London, London

When you think of potentially haunted buildings, the last place that springs to mind is the bustling airport on the outskirts of London, but it is said to be one of the city's paranormal hotspots.

One of the airports resident spooks is said to be the notorious highwayman, Dick Turpin. It's said he's been spotted in the main terminal in Heathrow. Holiday makers have reported feeling someone breathing on their necks, only to turn around and find no one there.

Staff and passengers have also reported seeing a man in a dark suit and bowler hat on one of the runways, he is thought to be a traveler who died when a Belgian airline flight from Brussels crashed on the runway in 1948, 20 of the 22 people on board were killed.

He was first spotted by workers in a hangar nearby who saw the aircraft crash on the runway and quickly went to the survivors' aid, the man approached them and asked if they had found his briefcase.

Heathrow Airport Map


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