Seafield House, Westward Ho! - Haunted History

December 19, 2022
Westward Ho! Haunted House

Westward Ho!, Devon

A twelve-bed, Victorian clifftop house in North Devon which locals claim is haunted. Seafield House in Westward Ho! has stunning views over the Atlantic but neighbours claim they hear strange noises coming from the property at night, and an elderly lady has been spotted sitting at the window and waving.

The home was originally built in the 1880s as a summer residence for London banker Brinsley De Courcey Nixon. It was used by the Ministry of Defence during the Second World War as officers' quarters with Italian prisoners of war housed in nearby fields.

The property was then purchased in the 1950s and has been in the same family since then. It became a bed and breakfast establishment for a number of years and then was used as a residential property.

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