Hidden Ghosts In 'The Haunting Of Hill House' Revealed

There are more than 30 hidden ghosts in the Netflix Original, 'The Haunting Of Hill House'. How many have you found?

October 15, 2018
This page is more than six years old and was last updated in August 2019.
The Haunting Of Hill House
'The Haunting Of Hill House' was released on Netflix last week and has been terrifying viewers ever since. The new ten-part series flashes between past and present, telling the story of a fractured family who confront haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it. The series is based on Shirley Jackson's 1959 book of the same name.

The show is directed by horror director, Mike Flanagan, and has been made all the more chilling since viewers have started reporting seeing ghosts hiding in the background of shots in each episode. These sinister stealth spooks are more unsettling than the more prominent spectres as the characters in the show don't notice or comment on them. This leaves viewers to wonder whether they actually saw what a ghost or if it was just their imagination.

The makers of the show have now confirmed that there are at least 27 hidden ghosts throughout the whole season and released a breakdown of the number of ghosts to look out for per episode. It's like 'Where's Wally' haunted edition. Episode three, 'Touch', with nine hidden ghosts, has the most of all the episodes as far as we know. The creators have left the number of ghosts we should be looking out for in episode ten a mystery.

So, we know how many ghosts we need to be looking out for, but the tricky bit is spotting them as they are often only half in shot, obscured by something, peering through a small hole or are an out of focus blur in the background.

Ghosts Per Episode
Episode 1: 'Steven Sees A Ghost' - 4
Episode 2: 'Open Casket' - 2
Episode 3: 'Touch' - 9
Episode 4: 'The Twin Thing' - 3
Episode 5: 'The Bent-Neck Lady' - 3
Episode 6: 'Two Storms' - 0
Episode 7: 'Eulogy' - 2
Episode 8: 'Witness Marks' - 0
Episode 9: 'Screaming Meemies' - 4
Episode 10: 'Silence Lay Steadily' - ?

Below is a complete list of all of the hidden ghosts in 'The Haunting Of Hill House' that we have found so far. We've found a few extras that aren't included on the official count and enhanced a few of the screen grabs to make the ghosts easier to see. If you have seen something we've missed, then let us know in the comments below.

Episode 1 - 'Steven Sees A Ghost'

Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
The very first hidden ghost in the series appears just seconds into the opening of the episode as a creepy pale face peers through the railings on the stairs.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
This one is hard to spot but appears to be a face, possibly the Bent Neck Lady, visible in the lower-right of the window over Nell's bed.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
When we see Hugh rescuing young Steven from his bedroom, there's already something in the room with them hiding in the shadows.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
And as they run from the house, they're being watched by two eerie figures to the right of the stairs.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
The final hidden ghost in the first episode is that same creepy face, this time peering around the side of a cabinet behind Olivia.

Episode 2 - 'Open Casket'

Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
A little head can be seen in the distance peeping from the foliage outside. However, this probably isn't a ghost and is most likely Luke's friend Abigail.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
While Shirley talks to her mum about her designs for their "forever house," a full-figured spook can be seen through the doorway in the background.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
During the same conversation, another ghostly shape is seen in the background behind Olivia. It's a little hard to make out what this one is, but it's clearly something spooky as it vanishes moments later.

Episode 3 - 'Touch

Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
This episode has more hidden ghosts than any others in the series, and it starts with a sinister face watching Theo through the textured glass at the top of the door.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
When Theo and Luke leave the kitchen after talking to Mrs Dudley, the figure of what appears to be a woman can be seen partially obscured behind a wall.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
Later Theo and Luke are playing with the dumbwaiter, but there's something keeping watch from the dining room.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
When Theo goes in search of the trapdoor in the pantry, there's a very visible but easy to miss figure stood in plain view to the left of the shot.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
Another ghostly face is waiting for Theo in the darkness of the cellar she discovers.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
As in the previous episode, a ghost can once again be seen lurking in the room that adjoins Olivia's office.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
When Theo walks from the pantry and through the kitchen later, she passes an open door, through which you can catch a fleeting glimpse of a bald-headed ghost, who's pretty similar to "Pipes" from the classic BBC mockumentary, 'Ghost Watch'.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
Seconds later Theo enters the dining room where her mother is sat and in the background you can just about make out another ghostly figure.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
The final hidden ghost in episode three is seen in the corridor behind Hugh as he flees the house with Nell and Luke.

Episode 4 - 'The Twin Thing'

Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
The first ghost in episode four is a suited man seen out of focus in the shot where Luke is given his "big boy's hat". It's a little hard to spot as he's cropped awkwardly out of the shot.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
Moments later we see the silhouette of something nasty lurking in front of a window behind Hugh and Olivia.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
This particularly creepy pale face shows itself and its out stretch hand through the windows leading through to the pantry from the kitchen.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
After being scared by the ghost of Hazel in her bedroom, Luke runs downstairs and almost straight into the arms of another ghostly figure hiding to the side of the stairs.

Episode 5 - 'The Bent-Neck Lady'

Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
When Nell decided to sleep downstairs in the hope that she'll avoid the Bent Neck Lady, a dark figure can be seen over Olivia's shoulder as Hugh leaves the room.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
When Theo enters the room after Nell has been blamed for writing her name on the wall, a pair of ghostly hands can be seen on the floor behind them.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
When the camera angle changes to a close up of Nell, a second spook can be seen sitting behind her.

Episode 6 - 'Two Storms'

There are lots of ghosts visible in the sixth episode of 'The Haunting Of Hill House' but none of them make any effort to hide. So, there are no hidden ghosts to spot in this particular episode.
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Episode 7 - 'Eulogy'

Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
While Hugh is trying to break into the red room with a crowbar, something is keeping watch on his progress through the doorway behind him, which leads to the spiral staircase.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
Later Hugh uncovers the skeleton of William Hill, who was bricked up behind a wall and left to die in the basement. When he makes this discovery a pale-looking girl is peering around a wall and watching him.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
Moments later, the same creepy girl can be seen with her hand on the wall behind the visiting police officers.

Episode 8 - 'Witness Marks'

This episode doesn't officially have any hidden ghosts, however there is one very visible ghost hiding in plain sight and that's the phantom clock repairman with the impressive handlebar moustache.

Episode 9 - 'Screaming Meemies'

Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
When Hugh is carrying Luke up to bed a dark figure can be seen in the distance across the hallway.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
Hill House's kitchen seems to be a bit of a paranormal hotspot as once again we see that sinister face through the glass in the pantry, this time clearer than ever.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
The family gather at the foot of the stairs to say goodbye to Olivia as she leaves to spend some time with her sister, but it seems that something else as come to wish her farewell.
Hidden Ghosts In The Haunting Of Hill House
The rest of the family are unaware that Olivia has returned to the house with a plan, meanwhile Shirley is wandering the house late at night but doesn't notice the creepy figure stood in the doorway under the stairs.

Episode 10 - 'Silence Lay Steadily'

The official count of hidden ghosts in the final episode of the series mysteriously gives the value as "?" but we've watched the episode a few times and haven't spotted anything out of the ordinary lurking in the background. However, there are plenty of very visible ghosts in this episode, as you might expect for a season finale.


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