Fate Or Fake: The Paranormal Magazine Headline Game - February 2021 Edition

February 02, 2021 1:00 AM ‐ GamesParanormal
Fate Or Fake: February's Paranormal Magazine Headline Game
We've been through the February 2021 issues of the paranormal magazines 'Chat It's Fate' and 'Take a Break Fate & Fortune' and pulled out all of the headlines of their features, but can you tell which of the features below are real and which we've made up?

All you need to do is answer each question by telling us if the headline is "FATE" - a real title of a feature in the magazine. Or "FAKE" - ones we've made up in the style of the magazines.

1. Crystals tell me secrets

2. My soulmate sends me white feathers after tragedy tore us apart

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3. WWII ghost still dropping bombs in my garden

4. I restored a home for the dead to haunt

5. Stalked by Britain's most evil ghost

6. In prison for 10 years thanks to psychic gift

7. Angels granted my wishes to shut me up

8. Dad's ghost helped me lose three stone

9. Travelling ghost processes payment faster than professional shopkeeper

10. Called by the sea to fulfil my zodiac destiny as a mermaid

11. My dogs keep me safe from the beyond

12. Angry imp banished friendly spooks from my home

13. I saw my own death in plane crash

14. Ghosts from my past ruin my future

15. Mum's death awoke my special gift


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