The HAPRC ParaMeet 2023 Quiz

September 01, 2023 1:00 AM ‐ GamesParanormal
ParaMeet 2023

This weekend the 2023 ParaMeet hosted by the Haunted Antiques Paranormal Research Centre (HAPRC) returns. This year fans of the paranormal will flock to Brownsover Hall Hotel in Warwickshire for the two-day event.

ParaMeet boasts 16 speakers, vendors selling a range of products and services from tarot card readings, ghost hunting equipment and spooky gifts. Doors open at 9am on Saturday, September 2, and the event continues on Sunday.

To get you in the mood for the biggest networking event in the British paranormal world, we've put together 20 tricky trivia questions. You can find out more about the event and book tickets at

1. During ParaMeet 2023 guests will be given the opportunity to spend time in the hotel's most haunted room, but which paranormal events company will be hosting the vigils?

2. Neil Storey is launching his new book at this year's ParaMeet, but what is the book about?

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3. Which of these is NOT a member of the Haunted Antiques team speaking at the event?

4. Kate Ray will be speaking at the event on Saturday, but what is her special field of paranormal interest?

5. Sunday speaker Patti Keane recently shared her story of the haunting of Tanfield House on which paranormal podcast?

6. Which of these is the author of 'The Elements of Epping Forest', 'A Haunted Experiment' and 'Paranormal Playtime', and a ParaMeet 2023 speaker?

7. Which of these will you find at the weekend-long event?

8. Which of these are you likely to find on offer from the vendors at the event?

9. Speaking on Sunday, paranormal researcher Dylan Jones is know for investigating spontaneous cases, but what did he formerly work as?

10. Known for his dad jokes on social media, which of these funnymen are confirmed to be attending ParaMeet 2023?

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11. ParaMeet 2023 is host by the Haunted Antiques Paranormal Research Centre, but in which town would you find the centre?

12. Attendees will get the chance to take part in a psychic experiment by guessing what haunted item is inside a box, but what is this mystery box being called?

13. Liz Cormell will be speaking at the event, but what was the title of her recent article in Haunted Magazine?

14. Including this year, how many ParaMeet events have there been?

15. Which of these ParaMeet speakers is NOT the owner of a paranormal events company?

16. EVP expert Eamonn Van-Harris joins the list of speakers on Saturday, but what is his ghostly communication machine called?

17. Dr. Kate Cherrell will be telling ghostly tales from Grimsby at the event, but which television ghost hunter did she recently team up with?

18. Mark Wallbank will be speaking at the event on Saturday, but which paranormal team is he representing?

19. Which room at the Brownsover Hall Hotel, the venue of the event, is said to be the most haunted?

20. Speaker, Paul Goddard, opens the event on Sunday with his talk, but what is his field of interest within the paranormal fields?


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