Watch 'Most Haunted': Towneley Hall, Burnley - Part 2 - Full Episode

October 29, 2020
This page is more than four years old.
Most Haunted At Towneley Hall
Yvette Fielding and her team continue their investigation of Towneley Hall in Burnley. A historic hall, which is said to be haunted by ancestral ghosts, the apparition of a white lady and a demon dog.

The property is said to be haunted by the disembodied sounds of children laughing and crying and an apparition seen gliding across the ancient hallways, as well as doors opening and closing on their own and loud unexplained noises heard in the dead of night.

The premiere marks the second night of Halloweek, a weeklong event bringing fans  new episodes on the show's official YouTube channel every night for a week over Halloween.

Watch The Full Episode

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The Story So Far

In the first half of the investigation Karl Beattie was spooked in the cellar by strange noises occurring all around him, and Stuart Torevell became a little overwhelmed by the supernatural occurrences he experienced at the other end of the basement.

Later while Glen Hunt and Gregg Smith were hanging out with mummies in the Egyptian exhibit, Yvette was getting picked on in the cellar by the team's newest members Mary Beattie and Jenny Bryant. The episode ended with a cot moving and a book being thrown in the upper long gallery while Karl and Stuart were investigating there.

The Investigation Continues...

Most Haunted At Towneley Hall
The second part of the investigation carries on where the first left off, with Yvette, Karl and Mary heading to the Collectors' Room, which today houses an Egyptian exhibit including two real mummies. As Yvette approached one of the display cabinets in the darkness, she experienced a momentary loss of hearing. Moments later they started hearing taps coming from around them.

As they walked through into the next room of exhibits, Mary let out a scream, exclaiming "something just grabbed my coat!" She also reported hearing a scratching sound. They soon started hearing a strange moaning sound as well as knocks.

Karl then started experiencing unexplained issues with his camera. He wrapped up the vigil soon after saying, "that was fascinating, how great was that?"
Most Haunted At Towneley Hall
Glen and Gregg went to the stunning long gallery on the upper floor where Glen saw a strange unexplained light sweep across one of the wood-panelled walls.

Meanwhile, Stuart and Jenny were in the great hall before moving through into the art gallery. Calling out to the spirit of the former owner of the hall, Stuart comes out with a classic Torevell line "do you fancy Jenny? Do you find Jenny very attractive? She is an attractive lady isn't she? I think she is."

He then seems to offer Jenny up to the ghosts of the hall as he says, "maybe you'd like some female company?" Jenny doesn't seem uncooperative and says, "come and get it!" But the spirit of Sir John Towneley didn't take them up on their offer.

Soon after the team's investigation of Towneley Hall came to an end, but Yvette and the gang are back tomorrow evening with another new episode exclusive to the Most Haunted YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe now so you don't miss out on the new episodes as they appear.


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Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

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