Most Haunted At Kelham Hall, Part One - Series 24, Episode 7 Review

February 22, 2019
This page is more than five years old and was last updated in June 2020.
Most Haunted At Kelham Hall
Yvette Fielding and her team embark on another two-part investigation, this time at a property in Nottinghamshire that was once a family home, but since then has housed monks and soldiers. It has a rich history of opulent success, catastrophic failure and now, alleged hauntings.

The present building is the third to be built on the land. The first, which housed the defeated King Charles for several days after his surrender in 1647, was burned to the ground, but re-built 1730. Sadly, this building too was taken by fire in 1857.

The hall we see today was completed in 1863 and was the long-time ancestral home of the Manners-Sutton family. After falling in to financial difficulties, the family were forced to sell their beloved home in 1903. After this, it was operated as a training college and inhabited by monks until 1974. It is now in private hands.

Is Kelham Hall Haunted?

Most Haunted At Kelham Hall
Yvette is fascinated by the building, she told the show's resident skeptic, Glen Hunt, "every corner, every beam, every bit of brickwork there's just something that just catches your eye". There's plenty to be seen in this vast building, where every floor is said to be haunted. The many empty rooms are said to bear witness to many strange paranormal events. Activity includes doors slamming on their own, disembodied footsteps and objects moving of their own accord.

Underneath the building is a large network of cellars, allegedly many people have witnessed dark, tall shadows here. Could they be the ghosts of the monks that used to reside here during the early-1900s during the First World War.

One of the most commonly reported occurrences at the hall is reports of the ghost of children who have been seen and heard running and giggling as they play in the dead of night.

Although Yvette and Glen both agree that there's nothing sinister about the house, Glen did confess that there might be more than meets the eye going on here. He told Yvette about an experience he had in the hall before they started filming, "I heard a noise downstairs that sounded like either something being thrown or a shutter or a door being slammed". Glen went downstairs to investigate but found there was no one there.
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Lights Out

Most Haunted At Kelham Hall
With the initial walk around complete, the lights were turned out and the team got stuck into their investigation. They started out with the team grouped together. Yvette and Glen were joined by Karl Beattie, Fred Batt and the two cameramen Stuart Torevell and Gregg Smith.

Pretty early on in the investigation they started hearing knocking sounds, so they attempted to communicate with the spirits using knocks to indicate yes and no, but they initially seemed unresponsive, although the taps continued. After a while the team thought the knocks had become the sound of footsteps.

A few minutes later there was a thud when suddenly a book landed on the floor beside Glen and Karl. Yvette checked the book, finding it to be a copy of 'Local Government Finance 1968'. Although dull, Yvette pointed out that this was the year she was born.

Glen later said, "what amazes me about that book is one of you guys," pointing to two of his fellow crew members, "...will have been facing me and you would have seen [if any of them had thrown it]".

When the knocks resumed a little while later, Yvette decided to conduct a tapping board experiment using her mobile phone. Running her finger over the phone's keyboard, she asked the spirit to make a knocking sound to indicate a letter in order to spell out a word or phrase. Using this method Yvette was able to obtain the name "Johnathan Collebrough". Another question and series of taps revealed that Johnathan died in 1771.

This name and date matched a person listed in Fred's research he'd conducted on the property before the show. According to Fred, Johnathan was one of the priests who lived at the hall. He was 89 when he died and is buried in the churchyard across the road.

As Yvette called out to the spirit of Johnathan, asking him to show himself for them, Yvette thought she saw a black shadow moving across an adjoining room through an open doorway. To try to awaken some of the energy of the hall, Fred put his demonology skills to use and recited one of his famous incantations, "in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. Johnathan, if you're here come forward and see us."

While Fred continued his chants, Yvette saw a white light move across the bottom of a mirror, but despite all this activity that seemed to be happening, she decided the team should split up into smaller groups across the cellar to continue their investigation.

The Cellars

Most Haunted At Kelham Hall
Gregg was alone midway down the cellar in an area known as the annex, an area consisting of one big room and a smaller chamber. He started calling out, "is there anyone here? Are there any spirits or entities down here in the cellar with me? Can you make a noise? Could you move something?"

Later in his vigil, Gregg jumped out of his skin when there was a loud metallic crash from around him in the darkness. This turned out to be a large metal pipe that had fallen from somewhere. Due to the weight of the pipe, Gregg described the incident as concerning, "because that's either fallen off the ceiling or something's thrown that."

Gregg propped the pipe up against a chair in a way that it wouldn't fall and walked through to the adjoining chamber. As he did the pipe was seemingly thrown through the doorway. Speaking to the camera with the pipe now in his hand, Gregg said, "I'm going to keep hold of this because I don't want to get smacked in the back of the head with that".

Glen was also alone in a room of his own in the cellar with his trusty laptop, which he was planning to use to attempt to capture spirit voices in the form of audio recordings known as EVPs.
Most Haunted At Kelham Hall
Yvette, Karl and Fred were in an area of the vast cellar known as the machine room, even this small part of the cellar was a network of several rooms and corridors itself. Not long after arriving, Yvette heard a disembodied whistling sound from an unknown source.

They heard what sounded like faint talking and began to call out, just as they did they heard a loud bang coming from one of the room's they'd passed through. It sounded like something falling or a door slamming, but there was no sign that anything had moved.

As Fred tried some more incantations he saw a strange mist, which seemed to dissipate straight away as it wasn't seen on camera. Fred also reported feeling very cold at this moment. This was followed by several odd sounds like humming and dragging.

A little while later they heard what they described as a noise that sounded like a child's laughter, although the sound wasn't picked up by the camera.
Most Haunted At Kelham Hall
Stuart was alone at the far end of the cellar where he was introducing himself to the ghosts of Kelham Hall, "hello to any spirits that may be here with me now in this corridor, my name's Stuart". A little while later, while wandering around, he heard a loud bang, but he couldn't workout where it came from.

As Stuart was talking to the camera saying that there were sounds coming from all around him that he couldn't pinpoint, there was a crash which turned out to be a table in an adjoining chamber flipping over. That was enough for Stuart, he asked the spirit to "back off" and "go away for five minutes" to give him time to leave the cellar.

Soon after, the episode came to an end, but the investigation is set to continue in next week's episode.
The new series of Most Haunted continues on Really. Watch on Freeview (17), Sky (155) and Virgin Media (129), or watch previous episodes of Most Haunted on demand on the UKTV Player.

For reviews of all of the new episodes, plus highlights and evidence from the shows, and to find out when Most Haunted is on next, visit the Most Haunted episode guide.


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