Supernatural September Hits PARAFlixx With All-New Stellar Shows

September 16, 2023
Brandon Alvis
Brandon Alvis
This page is more than one year old.
This September, PARAFlixx paranormal+ is amping up the supernatural stakes with 'Supernatural September' bringing subscribers all-new stellar shows including 'Our Haunted Lives', ‘The Ghost Finders’, ‘After Dark with EVP’ and '‘Our Paranormal Journey’.

PARAFlixx's Natalie Jones said, "we are announcing ‘Supernatural September’ as a way to build up and prepare for the spooky season we all love. So we started early this year and will in future years here at the network as well."

Viewers can expect an array of brand new shows and fresh episodes from some of their favourite PARAFlixx Originals.

Supernatural September Programming Highlights

'Our Haunted Lives'
September 6
The season nine finale of talk show 'Our Haunted Lives' sees David Taylor and Kristi Grissom Vampara interview Brandon Alvis as seen on 'Ghost Hunters' and the new upcoming TV series 'Haunted Discoveries' which premieres on Canadian network T+E this October.

'The Ghost Finders' - Randolph County Asylum
September 15
Join ‘The Ghost Finders’ in the season twelve premiere as they travel to Randolph County Asylum in Winchester, IN. Watch Rob Thompson Spirit Medium, Daniel Klaes, Megan Deputy, Steve Dills and Brittney Isley as The Ghost Finders investigate, with special guest Psychic Medium Patti Negri.
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'After Dark with EVP'
September 27
Join Shelly Pruitt, Ryan Roberts, and Blake Smith for the season one premiere of talk show 'After Dark EVP'. They'll be joined by Everything Vaguely Paranormal as they showcase their most jaw-dropping evidence, interview haunted location owners, and analyze the paranormal with other investigators.
'Our Paranormal Journey'
September 30
Research team WE ARE Paranormal presents a new paranormal series featuring Nathan Hopwood and Mike Minigh with celebrity special guests. This first season will surely keep the fans tuned in. The premiere episode begins streaming only one day prior to #HALLOFlixx, with celebrity guests Aaron G. Thompson and Nick Simons from '28 Days Haunted'.
Once you've soaked in all the paranormal festivities of September, get ready for the next wave of thrilling content. Starting October 1, 2023, PARAFlixx paranormal+ is rolling out its annual network theme #HALLOFlixx, set to run the entire month.

Among the highly-anticipated releases is the documentary film 'Spectre Or Spectacle: A History Of The Paranormal,' featuring a wide range of paranormal celebrities like Yvette Fielding, Katrina Weidman, Barri Ghai, and Jayne Harris.

The full schedule for the #HALLOFlixx "Scream Streams Event" will be released at the end of September exclusively on Higgypop.

Tune in to celebrate the supernatural this September on the world's number one paranormal platform, and then brace yourselves for #HALLOFlixx beginning October 1, exclusively on PARAFlixx paranormal+, The Paranormal Channel.


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Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.


A historical overview of UFO sightings and encounters, from 1947 to modern government reports.

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The Rational Demonologist
The Rational Demonologist

An exploration of demonic activity, including possession, protection, and exorcism.

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