Accrington Police Station And Courts

September 16, 2019
Accrington Police Station And Courts

Accrington, Lancashire

The grade II listed building, also known as the "urban lockup", is situated on the edge of Accrington town centre and was previously jointly used as a magistrates court and police station by the Accrington division of Lancashire Police.

Since the police moved out in 2016, the building has been abandoned and become a popular haunt for paranormal investigators. The activity experienced at the building is said to range from unexplained knocks and bangs through to loud footsteps and disembodied voices and slamming doors.

Accrington Police Station And Courts Features In

September 30, 2019Most Haunted Shorts At Accrington Police Station
October 31, 2019Most Haunted Live 2019: Accrington Police Station & Courts πŸŽƒ

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Accrington Police Station And Courts Map

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