Matt Scofield

44 posts

Sometimes found in a radio studio, and always found with a torch in my hand. My love of the paranormal comes from memories of playing with my 'Ghostbusters' proton pack toy as a kid, and being terrified by BBC's infamous 'Ghostwatch'. Have my finger in a few pies, most recently writing about ghosts for a herritage trust.

Now I'm hoping to get my hands dirty and hunt some spooks for myself, mainly at organised ghost hunting events across the UK. I'm also going to be covering weird news and urban exploration features.

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Recent Posts By Matt Scofield

  • Maginot Line, France
    April 03, 2020

    Urban Exploration Ultimate Bucket List

    We asked a bunch of urban explorers which location they would most like to visit, based on their answers we've put together a list of fascinating locations that every urban explorer should visit before the die.

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  • Coronavirus Conspiracy
    March 19, 2020

    Conspiracy Nuts Claim Coronavirus Is Man Made

    As the global COVID-19 crisis deepens, there's been deluded chatter from conspiracy nuts sharing ignorant theories about coronavirus being human-made in a laboratory.

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  • Looking down shaft 5 from the surface.
    January 12, 2019

    'Lifting The Lid On Box Hill'

    Tunnel Quarry was one of the United Kingdom's Central Ammunition Depots, conceived in the mid-1930s to hide from the enemy over 100,000 tones of bombs, shells and cordite that the country depended upon to win the Second World War.

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  • Deep, Dark & Dusty
    January 05, 2019

    'Deep, Dark & Dusty'

    Explore the history of Bath stone and see rare sights hidden underground in Wiltshire that have seldom been seen and some that may never be seen again.

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  • Disaster City Civil Unrest
    August 20, 2018

    How To Prepare For And Survive Civil Unrest

    With the threat of civil unrest, food shortages and a shortage of medical supplies in the event of a no deal Brexit, here's a guide to help you prepare for and survive the worst.

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  • Calling Out To Spirits
    May 12, 2018

    How To Call Out To Spirits On A Ghost Hunt

    If you're looking to learn the ways of a ghost hunter, then you'll need to learn how to call out to spirits in order to encourage them to communicate with you. The classic ghost hunter's trope is, "hello, is anybody there?"

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  • Rudloe Manor, Corsham
    May 08, 2018

    Inside Rudloe Manor House In Corsham

    After years of researching the infamous Royal Air Force base in Corsham, a team of truth seekers have finally got a long awaited visit to the Grade II listed manor house at the centre of the military base.

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  • The western end of the main corridor, known as 'Charlie Point'.
    April 14, 2018

    EXPOSED: The Secrets Of Corsham & Rudloe Manor

    A complete guide to the secret military bunkers and bases hidden beneath the Rudloe Manor site in Corsham, including location details and photos of sites like Burlington and the Corsham Computer Centre.

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Daily Horoscopes


You have sudden flashes of intuition and insight right now that can serve you well if you pay attention to them. You may have strange dreams or visions that come suddenly and leave just as quickly, so carry a notepad.... Read More