Method Of Spirit Communication Rooted In Italy Is Brought Back To Life In New PARAFlixx Docuseries

August 18, 2023 1:00 AM ‐ Television
Knowingly Talking To The Unknown
A highly anticipated three-part docuseries dedicated to a field of paranormal research known as instrumental trans communication is coming to PARAFlixx paranormal+ this August.

EVPI Productions presents 'Knowingly Talking To The Unknown,' featuring paranormal researchers Lourdes Gonzalez, Ron Yacovetti, Tony Rathman and Cherie Rathman. The team specialise in the area of ITC, which refers to the use of electronic devices to capture and communicate with spirits or other non-physical entities.

The docuseries is based on the title of ITC operator Ron Yacovetti's first book— and the story of a groundbreaking journey that dives back in time and into a startling means of spirit communication, almost lost, known as DRV: Direct Radio Voice. Its newest rendition, known as STATICOM, the work of Ron, Lourdes, Tony and Cherie, sets the stage for breaking boundaries which the modern ITC enthusiasts will not want to ignore.

Before the STATICOM project, Ron and Lourdes had been working on translating DRV for years through various dedicated methods involving radio waves, white noise and other frequencies. On a fated path, Tony and Cherie joined the efforts, and the newest version of this ITC involves pure white noise, removing radio frequencies, making it impossible for radio signals and voices to overlap and translate in this form of spirit communication. Now the team has started an initiative called “The Digital Séance Initiative,” giving others the opportunity to speak directly to passed loved ones, with its white noise ITC, in lieu of a traditional séance led by a trained facilitator or psychic medium of some sort.

Ron said, "the whole concept of communicating with spirit… whether or not a unified body of science agrees with this, if you look at this from a scientific side there’s so much speculation and theorizing. But the boots on the ground: the investigators, no matter where they are, no matter who they are, no matter what their background, the characteristics of their data, especially audio capture is synonymous no matter where, who or when. And when you have consistency of data, you have reliability of data. And in trying to shift a paradigm; that’s your smoking gun."

Follow the STATICOM project in this new three-part study with a range of special guests, including different sound analysts, audio engineers, and paranormal researchers such as Bloody Mary, Christie Ayers, and ITC Research pioneer Dr. Anabela Cardoso. The final part showcases a roundtable discussion with Ron, Lourdes, Tony and Cherie to conclude the series—though STATICOM has only begun.

'Knowingly Talking To The Unknown' begins streaming from August 19, 2023 on PARAFlixx paranormal+ and is produced by EVPI Productions.

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