Antwerp Mansion - The Haunted Hunts

April 08, 2020 5:23 PM ‐ Paranormal

This article is more than four years old and was last updated in March 2022.

About This Video

This video was uploaded to the YouTube channel The Haunted Hunts in April 2020.

In Manchester, an historic mansion has become the focus of increased crime rates in the area. Reports suggest people are becoming increasingly aggressive after spending time in the basement of the house and a dark mass has been seen lurking in the depths of the location but what is really going on inside the Antwerp Mansion?

About The Haunted Hunts

The Haunted Hunts are a paranormal investigation team from the North West of England. The gang is lead by Danny Moss, alongside Rebecca Salisbury-Moss, Emma Dawe, Charlie Rutter, and Roxanne Rutter. The team The Haunted Hunts investigate some of the UK's most famously haunted locations, including Pool Park Asylum, Antwerp Mansion and the infamous Ancient Ram Inn.

Watch more from The Haunted Hunts on YouTube

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